Anonymous ID: 50cfcb Dec. 30, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.4531051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1201

Q is the mirror between white and black hats.


I am not saying Q is a larp, or deep state, I'm merely trying to nudge our brains into new vistas, and perhaps the reason why Q-op will be studied for generations.


If ANYTHING of Q/Trump intent (pro-patriots) could be verified, it would taint ALL pro-patriot efforts in legal proceedings against the "Deep State," article I, II or III. Otherwise, patriots would expect Military Tribunals to run like this: "Says here you might have committed treason, so… we're just going to kill you now, both before and after we torture you to death. And then we will cut off your head, and torture you again."


At best, Q inspired patriot research and alluded to events that appeared–on rare occassion–to take place.


At the same time–and almost none have reflected on this–every single TRUST or assurance type statement could be taken by Deep State members as their own assurance of victory.


Neither side has verification of such statements, though, for time being, certainly appears the Deep State was right to trust Sessions, Wray, Mueller, etc. They got away with countless witness 187's, false flag massacres, accelerated destruction of the American Middle Class (despite marginal wage gains), the alleged Year of the Stock Market (how many times caught red-handed insider training with NO consequence), skated on every publicly released 100% verified evidence of–by their own admission–crimes and treason, continuous hate crimes and hate speech with no consequence, etc.


Again, I'm NOT saying Q/Trump are definitively bad, just that, Q "patriots" have little ground to stand on at this point compared to the likes of Hitlary and the O-haus.


You might say, "But what about the MS-13 arrests and pedo-ring busts." I say, sometimes, putting your minions in jail is the best way to protect them from the people on the street so you can reward them later. "Their greatest fear…." Even Q said "intrusions" are the best way to safeguard evidence…. but safequard on who's account? Do you get it? All those busts were prosecuted and judged by an entirely corrupt judicial + penal system that, by Q's own FUCKING WORDS, was too corrupt to serve justice against the Deep State, even to this very day.


Just use everything you know about the bad guys, flip your mindset/paradigm, and re-read the posts.

Do you understand yet? Q is the mirror between white and black hats. That's why, regardless of who wins, it will be studied for generations. By victorious white or black or trump hats?


Q has assured both sides that they are in absolute control and have victory. "An enemy that believes they are in control is…"