Anonymous ID: 31babd Dec. 30, 2018, 9:21 p.m. No.4531514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1539 >>1548 >>1554 >>1556 >>1571 >>1767 >>1802 >>1808

Anons, fags, shills, trolls, and anyone else here,


We're about to start seeing and learning things that will not surprise us here all that much. But, normies are about to be stunned and many will go something akin to insane. No clue if arrests have begun, will start tomorrow, or New Years' day, but they will start shortly.


Ask yourselves, how will you help now.


Yes the shills, DS, and others that have opposed this with everything they have will go down fighting to some extent, but it'll all be futile. We all know how this ends for them. How should you help the rest of those that just want to understand truth without the Leftist and satanic spin that they've been fed their entire lives?


After the dust settles, we will still be one nation, a part of a group of nations that want freedom, and one civilization that will have to move into freedom and light as a coherent group. How will you help?


Your family, neighbors, friends, and those you interact with (and some you fight with) online will need help getting through it all soon. In time, you'll be working side by side with all of them to move our nation into a new dawn. What we do in the next few weeks to help them will help us all.


It's going to get strange, scary, uncertain, and will generally be a tumultuous time. Some will lose everything, some a little, and some won't be here anymore. But, most of us will just experience a few scattered days of inconvenience. At least let's all hope so.


We have to be the ROCK that those others can come to in order to get oriented as to what's happening. They're going to be scared shitless. They're going to hit the streets because MSM has told them to in not so many words. Be able and ready to defend yourselves and others, but don't get crazy. Protect you and yours, but don't go looking for a fight if you can avoid it - there's going to be more than enough of that without is adding to it all.


How are you going to help?


Take some time, pray if your beliefs tend in that direction, get yourself mentally and emotionally prepared, and watch it all with a calm mind knowing that you already understand why it's happening, how it's going to happen (legally under the Constitution), and that ultimately, we can trust POTUS. There really is a plan!


Many will not understand, they will be fearful and therefore violent, and those people will be handled by LEO and Mil. If you're in a large city, think hard about your situation, how you'll get through it all, and what specific areas to avoid if possible. Share that info with those you trust, and ask them if they have ideas as well. Become a neighbor again.


There will probably be a ton more good guidance coming our way as it starts, but you al still need to individually be prepared to help anyone that's not up to speed. Think about it, and get an idea as to how you're going to help clarify things to nornmies.


God help us be successful at this, and make sure you're prepared mentally, emotionally, and are armed with SOLID facts before trying to calm others down.


It's about to start Anons, be awake, and get ready.