IDK anon, all I know is when it comes to the crimes against children that is going to be the hardest part for me. I've seen a lot of really bad shit in my lifetime, had a lot of bad shit happen to me and I can take all that shit but when you harm the innocent, that shit is just a mind blower for me. How anyone can harm a child is just so far beyond the norm, it sends me into a rage and turns my guts inside out at the same time, I loose a lot of sleep over it. How the hell we'll ever red pill the public to this shit and expect them to accept it's real, I just don't know. I fear it will make most turn away in denial of the truth. That's my biggest fear of loosing the public's support, they'll turn away because the truth will be too much for them to grasp. Now I'm going to take a break and pray, for myself, all of you, Q, Potus, our country and all those that are about to get the shocks of their lives, it's going to be heavy shit we'll have to trudge through in order to get to the glorious days but we must, we must. Just remember frens, guard your kids from the news of this shit the best you can, shield them from the pains adults must face and let them just be happy, healthy kids, they'll have the rest of their lives to deal with adult shit.
Shit like filleting a child's face off while they are alive? Then sit around the body and eat it, you expect the public to just accept that shit?
I'm sorry anon, I'm not angry with you, it just sends me into a rage, I apologize.
Dig into this anons, you guys are the best at it, if there is something here you'll be the ones to find it, you'll know better then me. If it's bunk fine. Watch the entire video, if you can't do that jump to 12 min and watch from there on.