Can we stop jacking off to bullshit "code"? WE KONW POTUS. FUCKING DO SOMETHING! Remember how the clowns waterboarded Otto?!
Totally possible once Martial Law is enforced. Thanks Cue!
More patriots with egg on their face when jack shit happened last week. Q is the cunt who cried Cabal too many times. Most of us are numb to whatever the fuck this is.
Nigga WE know. Do you have the balls to red pill the masses without going full retard? Post this on your facebook, talk about it at holiday parties. It seems a lot of you are too scared to have your life truly change with people hating your guts. Keep your "job" and continue to poison and brainwash your kids and the youth around you.
Meaning what anon? What do you think will happen? 1 second left. Oh wow. PAYNE. Herp herp herp.
Sure are a lot of white zionist Satanists in that pic. Can someone lob a grenade for me? Fuck this nation of slacktivists