FIRST ONE IN: Elizabeth Warren Announces Her Candidacy For 2020 Presidential Nomination
First major candidate to jump in race
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has announced her candidacy for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.
On Monday morning, Warren, 69, sent an email to her supporters proclaiming her intention to create an exploratory committee; that will permit her to raise funds for her presidential bid and hire staff as well. Warren also released a video introducing her candidacy.
In the video, Warren states, “I’ve spent my career getting to the bottom of why America’s promise works for some families, but others, who work just as hard, slip through the cracks into disaster. And what I’ve found is terrifying: these aren’t cracks families are falling into, they’re traps. America’s middle class is under attack. But this dark path doesn’t have to be our future. We can make our democracy work for all of us. We can make our economy work for all of us.”
The New York Times reports that Warren will visit early-voting states in the near future. The Times admits that Warren’s record as a senator shows that her efforts have largely been futile, writing, “Ms. Warren is not known for shepherding major legislation successfully through Congress, though Democrats were never in control of both chambers during her time there.” Warren also has a jaundiced view of American power; in a foreign policy speech at American University in November, she opined, “Whether our leaders recognize it or not, after years as the world’s lone superpower, the United States is entering a new period of competition. Democracy is running headlong into the ideologies of nationalism, authoritarianism and corruption.”
Possibly to fend off challenges from two black senators who are likely candidates for the 2020 nomination, Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Cory Booker (D-NJ), Warren reached out to non-white voters in her video, stating, “Working families today face a lot tougher path than my family did, and families of color face a path that is steeper and rockier; a path made even harder by the impact of generations of discrimination.”
Warding off challenges by Bernie Sanders and others who utilize class-warfare tactics, Warren resorts to her usual attacks on wealthy Americans in the video, stating, “America’s middle class is under attack. How did we get here? Billionaires and big corporations decided they wanted more of the pie, and they enlisted politicians to cut ‘em a fatter slice. They crippled unions so no one could stop them.” Then the video cuts to President Reagan, saying to cheers, “We’re going to run the bull loose.”