The amount of assumptions taken as facts here is beyond frustrating. At what point does is it ok to ask for visual confirmation with the arrest of 1 high profile child molester that "drops" have indicated? At what point will it be ok to ask for this boards version of "Justice"? After the EO takes affect and nothing happens? Or will the anons asking still be deemed shills and concernfags?
Theres been a realization of the need for action. Maybe that was the Q teams entire intent. To get us demanding it.
I do hope that need is realized by all the people like myself, the ones looking for action and losing/lost hope in this plan. It could have been the entire plan. To shine light on the need. To illuminate that part of society. To ignite action.
Yet, here we are, waiting like a bird in the nest, waiting for whatever sustenance can be regurgitated for us to consume. We have our wings. We just need to jump out of the nest and let momentum take care of the rest.