Anonymous ID: 65b5b7 Dec. 31, 2018, 10:45 a.m. No.4536974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7003 >>7093

>>4536634 lb

There are things called patent mills, anon. They apply for a patent on pretty much anything so that, in the event someone actually makes it, someone claims patent violation.

Social engineering and CIA psy-ops have made use of patents, as well, for disinformation campaigns.


Test the fuel. Open up a wing and find the sprayers.


Those are your two options for proof, anon.


>>4536632 lb

Anon, I also live in rural areas. I also watch the skies.


I did something when I saw people talking about "chemtrails" - I looked up how contrails form. Low bypass engines with high exhaust temperatures tend to dissipate the vapor in the exhaust before it has time to form ice crystals. You will see contrails form from the condensation that flows off of the wings and into the vortexes at the trailing edge. Those disperse as they are simply water vapor.


High bypass engines, however, have lower exhaust temperatures and also pull large amounts of cool air with them. The result is that water tends to condense into ice crystals rather than water vapor, and the whole system hangs in the air.


The formation varies with atmospheric conditions and other factors. On some days, a plane will produce no engine contrail. Other days, that same plane will. Yet another day, ahead of a storm front or some other atmospheric phenomenon, aircraft will suddenly start or stop leaving an engine contrail.


Beware that psy-ops are rarely designed to get you to believe that there is nothing to see. They are designed to control how you think and to constrain your thought to a predictable and manageable pattern. The hysteria over chemtrails keeps people paranoid and has become a barometer within conspiracy communities by which action criteria are established. People demand an end to "chemtrails" - and will not accept the idea that it's a consequence of physics.


Postulate thus. We get full declas and disclosure from POTUS and Q. There are still "chemtrails" in the air. Do people support protests and action campaigns against the government?

By setting in place certain expectations and "facts" or "truths" within the conspiracy research communities, you can create handles with which to leverage them against your enemies.


Question everything. Suddenly, the CIA's news network does an expose on years old research into climate modification using airplanes?


Think logically. Think about the logistics of putting in place a widespread spraying campaign. How many aircraft? Installed at the factory? Modified? When? By whom?

These answers must be satisfied by any serious research or investigation. Simply pointing at the sky and saying "I don't like how that looks" is … Well, pedantic.

Anonymous ID: 65b5b7 Dec. 31, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.4537305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mattis is signalling.

Comey's resignation/departure letter. Notice any similarities?


He is blatantly telling portions of the military to hold to the original plan - which was to remain in combat in Syria and to escalate to hostilities with Russia.

Anonymous ID: 65b5b7 Dec. 31, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.4537464   🗄️.is 🔗kun


People respond to questions and mystery far better than they respond to dictation. Believe it or not, most of what Q has talked about, I've covered before. I've sat down and constructed detailed, sourced essays that run down the history of a lot of deep state fuckery - and then some.


People don't care. That's learning. Learning is hard. And nerdy. Plus, they are independent, intelligent, knowledgeable and educated human beings with a firm grasp of reality. They are perfectly fit to judge what is and is not bullshit or real about their life. Pic related.

As such, people do not like to be told what is going on, but instead discover on their own.


There are other issues at play. Legal ones. Q has already told us, they won't comment on active investigations. That is important to keep in mind. Leaks benefit them. They can coordinate stories and narratives.

Some issues are classified. Others have been declassified, but are filed under seal with the courts and will not be released to the public until after the cases/investigations have resolved.


Much of what is happening in the courts is "future proves past." We will find out next year much of what has happened in this year by way of released case files and their attached classified documents.