Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.4536711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biggest Stories of 2018: Israel Announced Apartheid, Shot Thousands of Civilians


2018 was in many ways a turning point for the position of Israel in the system of Western, liberal, capitalist democracies. It had long sat uneasily among France, Britain, and the United States, inasmuch as it was founded on a formal racial supremacist principle that Jews must rule the state. Racism is important in the other democracies, as well, but it is not typically enshrined in the constitution. The French Rights of Man mentioned nothing about race.


After 1967, Israel acquired substantial colonial possessions in the form of the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza, in which its leaders began implementing a classic settler colonial regime reminiscent of Apartheid South Africa. The Israeli leadership egregiously violated international law by flooding their own citizens into a militarily occupied territory, and by extensively altering the lifeways of the occupied population. I would argue that the occupation has now lasted so long and witnessed so many severe violations of the Geneva Convention of 1949 that the occupation itself is now illegal. Palestinians living under the Israeli jackboot do not have secure rights of property or control over their natural resources and, being kept stateless, lack even the right to have rights.


Somewhat astonishingly, the assemblage of far-right Israeli parties that rules Israel has managed to worsen its wretched human rights record in 2018 and to depart from liberal capitalist democracy almost entirely. Not only is Israel not the only democracy in the Middle East (that distinction now belongs to Tunisia), it isn’t a democracy at all in the sense of a state of equal citizens able to vote for the government that rules them.


Informed Comment reported that on July 19, the Likud-led government passed a new Nationality Law formally vesting “sovereignty” solely in the hands of the 75-80% of the population of Israel that is Jewish. (About 21% of Israelis are of Arab Palestinian heritage and another 300,000 or so persons are not recognized as Jews by the Grand Rabbi and so would not participate in sovereignty; these are mostly immigrants whose mothers were not Jewish).


I wrote at the time, “It would be as though the US passed a law designating America as a state for white Christians, excluding African-Americans and Latinos, and making English the only official language.” I also pointed out that Apartheid is considered a crime against humanity in the Rome Statute signed by most countries in the world, which governs the judgments of the International Criminal Court.


Having formally turned non-Jews into second-class citizens inside Israel, the Likud government accelerated its colonization program in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank. The pace of building squatter settlements on stolen Palestinian land has doubled under the Trump administration in 2018.


You may say it can’t get any worse. It got worse.

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.4536762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6807 >>7037 >>7326

Russia to provide tit-for-tat response to placement of US missiles in Europe - Lavrov


"It is not our choice, but the EU capitals have to understand the threat to the security of the Europeans themselves", Russian Foreign Minister noted


MOSCOW, December 30. /TASS/. Russia will provide a tit-for-tat response in case of placement of US missiles banned by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) in Europe, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated in an interview with the Rossiya-1 channel, published on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website.


"Unfortunately, our European colleagues, whose independence we wish to be reflected in their actions, are not very ready for it and follow the US even when it goes directly against their interests," Lavrov said. "An example: voting against the Russian resolution in support of maintaining the INF treaty."


"We have heard the largest amount of concerns over the US’ unilateral exit from this Treaty in Europe," the minister noted. "However, the entire EU has voted against our offer, that is, basically, in favor of the INF Treaty ceasing to exist and in favor of the recurring threat of placement of US missiles in Europe banned under this Treaty".


"The next step, of course, would be the Russian Federation’s tit-for-tat response", the Russian top diplomat stressed. "It is not our choice, but the EU capitals have to understand the threat to the security of the Europeans themselves".


According to Lavrov, the EU countries’ decision to vote against Russia’s resolution can only be explained by "a misinterpreted solidarity".

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.4536840   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Their plan is if they are running for Pres indicting such a person would be viewed as politically motivated which of course their compliant media would beat to death

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.4536889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6919 >>7170

Police Arrest 7 For Helping Illegal Alien Cop-Killer, All 7 Are Illegal Aliens: Report


Police Arrest 7 For Helping Illegal Alien Cop-Killer, All 7 Are Illegal Aliens: Report

California law enforcement officials arrested seven additional suspects connected to alleged illegal alien cop-killer Gustavo Perez Arriaga last week — all of whom are purported illegal aliens — for allegedly helping him evade capture.

"Police say, in all, seven people are in custody, accused of assisting the suspect in evading police, including two of Arriaga's brothers and his girlfriend," ABC News reported on Saturday night, according to NewsBusters. "Authorities telling ABC News, all of them – as well as Arriaga – in the U.S. illegally."

Authorities arrested Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda, Erasmo Villegas, Maria Luisa Moreno, Adrian Virgen, Erik Quiroz, Ana Leyde Cervantes, and Conrado Virgen Mendoza.


Fox News reported late last week that authorities confirmed that Perez Arriaga, 33, was affiliated with the Surenos gang, a violent Mexican-American street gang that engages in "a number of crimes, including murder, extortion, narcotics trafficking, prostitution, human smuggling and robbery."

"Illegal immigration doesn't serve our communities, especially criminals who victimize and exploit our communities," Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said on Fox News last week. "Whether you hate the president or love the president, border security goes hand-in-hand with national security, the safety of our communities, and public safety. We need to know who is in our communities that shouldn't be. We should be focusing on criminal activity without political interference."

"We were prohibited — law enforcement was prohibited because of sanctuary laws and that led to the encounter with officer Singh," Christianson added during a news conference on Friday. "The outcome could have been different if law enforcement wasn’t restricted, prohibited, or had their hands tied because of political interference."

President Donald Trump kept a close eye on the manhunt for Perez Arriaga late last week, tweeting: "There is right now a full scale manhunt going on in California for an illegal immigrant accused of shooting and killing a police officer during a traffic stop. Time to get tough on Border Security. Build the Wall!"

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.4536912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7037 >>7326

French police brace for unrest as yellow vests prepare to join New Year’s celebrations


PARIS – France is deploying more than 147,000 security forces nationwide to gird for New Year’s Eve unrest as yellow vest protesters prepare to join the public revelry.


The Interior Ministry said in a statement issued Sunday that the heavy security measures are needed because of a “high terrorist threat” and concerns about “non-declared protests.”


Police in Paris say they will put a security perimeter around the Champs-Elysees, the site of an annual New Year’s Eve light show and celebration. Anti-government protesters angry over taxes and President Emmanuel Macron’s pro-business policies are planning to be on the famed avenue.


The Interior Ministry says extra security across France will focus on popular gathering places, public transportation, roads and shopping areas.

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.4536958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7134

Bible pages left mostly undamaged in fire at pastor's home


TAMPA, Fla. (FOX 13) - A pastor and his wife were left homeless after their house was robbed, and then burned to the ground. It is all happened while they were on Christmas vacation.


Oliver Bevins and his wife Sharon have lost nearly everything. Their clothes, furniture, appliances, electronics and family mementos were destroyed in the fire. To Oliver's surprise, his Bible was mostly unscathed. The edges of the pages were mostly burnt.


Bevin said he's just thankful no one was home when the house went up in flames.


Bevins got his first look at what's left of his home Sunday. It was nothing but charred wood, burned metal, broken glass and ash.


"It's just unbelievable," Bevins said. "How much destruction a fire like this can actually do."


Bevins was vacationing in Vermont when he got a call from his son Monday telling him their house in Brooksville had been broken into. Their safe was missing and their 2018 Dodge Challenger was stolen.


Bevins posted about the incident on Facebook, vowing to find the people responsible and boasting his surveillance system likely caught the criminals on camera.


Just two days later, a neighbor frantically called Bevins, alerting him his house was engulfed in flames. He worries the fire was all just an attempt to destroy evidence of the robbery that may have been captured on his cameras.


Bevins now trying his best to stay positive, leaning on his faith for strength to make it through.


"I'm going to continue to look up," Bevins said. "We're going to rebuild. We're going to gain. God has got our back and he's going to continue to do that."

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.4537007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amsterdam's Airport Partially Evacuated as Man Claims to Have Bomb – Police

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.4537135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7266 >>7326

House Dems plan to bring up five-week funding bill to end shutdown


House Democrats plan to bring up legislation to end the partial government shutdown that would extend current spending levels for border security through Feb. 8, a senior Democratic aide said Monday.


The funding package will include two separate bills: one extending current funding levels for the Department of Homeland Security until Feb. 8, and the other including the six remaining bills with full funding through the end of the fiscal year.


Border security funding would remain at $1.3 billion, much lower than the $5 billion called for by the White House, under the continuing resolution (CR), following bipartisan Senate legislation, The Washington Post first reported on Monday.


“It makes sure we can get everybody paid on time,” the aide said.


Separating the bills will put pressure on President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to at least pass the six-bill package and would reopen most of the government.


It also extends the wall fight for a month, which could allow Trump a face-saving off-ramp to tell his base that he has not abandoned the struggle for the project.


Republicans on Monday quickly rejected the Democrats' plan with House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (N.C.) calling it a "nonstarter."


Democrats are slated to take back control of the lower chamber later this week, with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) expected to regain the Speaker's gavel on Thursday.


On day 10 of the partial government shutdown, talks between Trump and Democratic leaders remain stalled.


Top Democrats have said they won't go beyond $1.3 billion in border funding, while the president said he's unwilling to support legislation that doesn't provide ample funding for his wall along the southern border.


The White House has floated $2.1 billion as a compromise, but Senate Democrats were not open to the offer, maintaining they would not go beyond $1.3 billion.


The president has been adamant he will not support legislation that does not provide ample border security funding, a priority he stressed on the campaign trail.


The House passed an amended bill providing $5.7 billion in border security funding just ahead of their Christmas recess, but it does not have the support to make it through the Senate.


House Republicans have opted not to bring up the Senate-passed clean CR, with conservatives pushing for the party to remain strong on its demand to build the border wall.

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.4537161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7314 >>7326

Government makes secret filing in foreign lobbying case linked to Mueller


Federal prosecutors on Monday filed a status report under seal in the case of Sam Patten, a GOP consultant and former associate of Paul Manafort who pleaded guilty in August to illegally lobbying for a political party in Ukraine.


Since his plea, Patten has been cooperating with prosecutors including special counsel Robert Mueller, who referred his case to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D.C., likely because it fell outside his original mandate to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election.


Government prosecutors were due to file a joint status report with Patten’s defense attorneys on Monday, which could have revealed information about the extent of his cooperation in ongoing investigations and his readiness to be sentenced. The government’s decision to file the document under seal, which prosecutors acknowledged in a brief notice to the court on Monday, suggests they wanted to keep information shielded from the public.


Patten pleaded guilty to failing to register as a lobbyist for a political party in Ukraine known as the Opposition Bloc. Manafort, President Trump's one-time campaign chairman, has similarly admitted to illegally lobbying on behalf of Russian-backed Ukrainian politician Viktor Yanukovych and his political party, the Party of Regions, which was the successor to the Opposition Bloc.


According to court documents filed in August, Patten ran a company with a Russian national identified only as “Person A” and made over $1 million through their work for the Opposition Bloc, which included lobbying members of Congress and officials in the United States.


“Person A” is widely assumed to be Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian suspected of ties to Moscow’s intelligence agencies who also worked with Manafort. Kilimnik was charged alongside Manafort with witness tampering in connection with Mueller’s investigation earlier this year, but remains out of reach of federal authorities as the U.S. has no extradition agreement with Russia.


In August, Patten also admitted to using a U.S. citizen as a “straw purchaser” in order to obtain tickets to President Trump’s inauguration for a “prominent Ukrainian oligarch” who was not identified, though he was not charged with a crime in connection with the admission. He also admitted to lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee about the tickets.

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.4537192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘I’d Be Curious to Know What Changed’: Scalise Calls Out Schumer for Illegal Immigration Flip-Flop


House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) laid into Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Sunday for his unwillingness to approve additional funding for border security despite his past calls for stronger borders.


During an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Scalise called out Schumer for changing his position and called on Senate Democrats to support the increased spending bill or come up with a better way to stop illegal border crossings.


“If the Senate’s got a different way and a better way to approach border security, they ought to put that plan on the table. Chuck Schumer was for this in 2006. I’d be curious to know what changed. Is it just that Donald Trump’s now the one requesting it? But if he’s got a better way to keep this country safe, I think it’s incumbent upon him to show the American people what that plan is.”


Although Trump has remained in Washington, D.C. to continue negotiations for the wall, he hasn’t had much Democratic company. The shutdown will likely last into the new year and the new Congress, giving House Democrats some leverage.

Anonymous ID: bb6bbf Dec. 31, 2018, 11:07 a.m. No.4537255   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The British Crown, Privy Council and ‘City

of London’ Effectively Rule America


You know that “Special Relationship” that so many POTUSes say exists between the US and UK?

It’s special alright!

So special that each U.S. President who repeated the Tavistock-fabricated mantra knew that they were really working for “the Crown”, not the American people.


By the way, according to the U.S. Constitution, that’s called: T R E A S O N


This exposé will be a relatively short one.


That’s because all the evidence proving treason at the highest echelons of the US government is now in plain sight. This has never happened before!


Each piece of evidence that proves the United Kingdom has ruled over the United States — FOR QUITE A LONG TIME — is so compelling and conclusive as to be self-evident.


The real short story here has been nicely summed up at this excellent video: GAME OVER! It’s time for torches and pitchforks.


For anyone who wants to flesh out the skeleton of this massive multi-decade British criminal conspiracy to usurp the America Republic and surreptitiously subjugate the U.S. citizenry to the Crown, please consider this critical article on SERCO—sometimes known as “the Octopus”.