2018 was glorious.
Looking forward to a great 2019.
Happy New Year, Anons.
Thank (you) for your service.
2018 was glorious.
Looking forward to a great 2019.
Happy New Year, Anons.
Thank (you) for your service.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all
that heavenly glory."
We will try harder in 2020.
We have practice now.
We will more Anons then.
Feel better, fren.
pedos being arrested is music to my ears.
Bless POTUS for this alone, and he has done much more.
The liddle pedos being arrested this year.
Imagine when QAnons start going after the big
spider pedos.
2019 will be glorious.
Wow, nice video.
Played her 'trump' card and lost.
What now feinstein?
Age of feinstein is over.
Glorious events in 2018
Pedos arrested.
Trump visits troops.
NoName no more.
timberpuppy no more.
Justice Kav
Thank you, Sessions, Huber, Brave 470.
Honk heard round the World.
Wall going up, some parts already up.
msm fakenews more and more obvious.
Anons #2.
What else?
Glorious events in 2018
Pedos arrested.
Trump visits troops.
NoName no more.
timberpuppy no more.
Justice Kav
5b. Justice Gorsuch
Thank you, Sessions, Huber, Brave 470.
Honk heard round the World.
Wall going up, some parts already up.
msm fakenews more and more obvious.
Anons #2.
Hillary is still not POTUS
N korea
Used the daniel lotion (much PRAYers)
What else?
Glorious events in 2018
Child trafficking arrests in one year more than all of BHO's combined in 8 years. Very telling….
Trump visits troops.
NoName no more.
timberpuppy no more.
Justice Kav
5b. Justice Gorsuch
Thank you, Sessions, Huber, Brave 470.
Honk heard round the World.
Wall going up, some parts already up.
msm fakenews more and more obvious.
Anons #2
Hillary is still not POTUS
North Korea
Used the daniel lotion (much PRAYers)
Huge arrests in Medicare/aid fraud which ties into opiates- plugged holes where billions of our money was being defrauded by pharmacies/medical practitioners.
Trade deals
record unemployment (employment?)
Cleveland Browns winning football games (hmmm)
What else?
Glorious events in 2018
Child trafficking arrests in one year more than all of BHO's combined in 8 years. Very telling….
Trump visits troops.
NoName no more.
timberpuppy no more.
Justice Kav
5b. Justice Gorsuch
Thank you, Sessions, Huber, Brave 470.
Honk heard round the World.
Wall going up, some parts already up.
msm fakenews more and more obvious.
Anons #2
Hillary is still not POTUS
North Korea
Used the daniel lotion (much PRAYers)
Huge arrests in Medicare/aid fraud which ties into opiates- plugged holes where billions of our money was being defrauded by pharmacies/medical practitioners.
Trade deals
record unemployment (employment?)
Cleveland Browns winning football games (hmmm)
China stocks -25%, German stocks -20%, Mexican stocks -15%, French stocks -12%,
London stocks -12%, Canadian stocks -11%, Nasdaq -4%, 2018 sucked less for us.
POTUS absolutely crushing the media shills in all press conferences
Soros is an asshole
shills prove Q, like cucklord.
What else?
Glorious events in 2018
Child trafficking arrests in one year more than all of BHO's combined in 8 years. Very telling….
Trump visits troops.
NoName no more.
timberpuppy no more.
Justice Kav
5b. Justice Gorsuch
Thank you, Sessions, Huber, Brave 470.
Honk heard round the World.
Wall going up, some parts already up.
msm fakenews more and more obvious.
Anons #2
Hillary is still not POTUS
North Korea
Used the daniel lotion (much PRAYers)
Huge arrests in Medicare/aid fraud which ties into opiates- plugged holes where billions of our money was being defrauded by pharmacies/medical practitioners.
Trade deals
record unemployment (employment?)
Cleveland Browns winning football games (hmmm)
China stocks -25%, German stocks -20%, Mexican stocks -15%, French stocks -12%,
London stocks -12%, Canadian stocks -11%, Nasdaq -4%, 2018 sucked less for us.
POTUS absolutely crushing the media shills in all press conferences
Soros is an asshole
shill like cucklord proving Q 24/7.
millions spent by shillblue protecting status quo, anons making sure that doesn't happen.
Elizibeth Warren dna test
Trump rallies "USA! USA! USA!" "LOCK HER UP!"
Cleaning house.
Omarosa caught recording.
CEOs retiring.
Politicians not running next term.
Q posts
Symbols will be their downfall.
What else?
Glorious events in 2018
Child trafficking arrests in one year more than all of BHO's combined in 8 years. Very telling….
Trump visits troops.
NoName no more.
timberpuppy no more, "GHWB [187]?"
Justice Kav
5b. Justice Gorsuch
Thank you, Sessions, Huber, Brave 470.
Honk heard round the World.
Wall going up, some parts already up.
msm fakenews more and more obvious.
Anons #2
Hillary is still not POTUS
North Korea
Used the daniel lotion (much PRAYers)
Huge arrests in Medicare/aid fraud which ties into opiates- plugged holes where billions of our money was being defrauded by pharmacies/medical practitioners.
Trade deals
record unemployment (employment?)
Cleveland Browns winning football games (hmmm)
China stocks -25%, German stocks -20%, Mexican stocks -15%, French stocks -12%,
London stocks -12%, Canadian stocks -11%, Nasdaq -4%, 2018 sucked less for us.
POTUS absolutely crushing the media shills in all press conferences
Soros is an asshole
shill like cucklord proving Q 24/7.
millions spent by shillblue protecting status quo, anons making sure that doesn't happen.
Elizibeth Warren dna test
Trump rallies "USA! USA! USA!" "LOCK HER UP!"
Cleaning house.
Omarosa caught recording.
CEOs retiring.
Politicians not running next term.
Q crumbs
Symbols will be their downfall.
The Economy/Jobs
Oh that vape guy melting down. ‘Ginger snap’. Pretty fucking glorious!! (idk that one?)
Record number of RINO departures
FBI/DOJ resignations/firings
Isis got fucked
What else?