Anonymous ID: ce9571 Dec. 31, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.4538011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4531608 (notable)

Trump should integrate the GoFundMe money even if he gets full funding. The citizen sense of ownership from something like that would be off the charts.



Is Chuck Todd a chemtrail denier?




Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014


>This pilot told my cousin that this global engineering effort, goes by the name of "Indigo Skyfold". At least within the circle of pilots and aviation crews, that he works with. They are told to fly specific routes, and satellite com links control the aerosol dispersal patterns. He says that they only make course corrections, from time to time, and perform landings and take-offs. Pilot, navigation and maintenance crews are rotated constantly, and only spend about 18 months at one given base. He states, that is to keep pilots and their families from making too many friends, and ending up with "Loose Lips". Plus, they also rotate between day and night flights. One base for daytime flights, and one for night. Each base covers a 250 mile zone, and each fleet (squadron) of planes can cover Three States, or an even larger swath of ocean.


>They are told to simply do their job and "Shut the F*ck Up!" Their superiors will only tell them. "It's a matter of National Security" and "Without these flights, our enemy's newest technological weapons of war, could easily penetrate America's air space, at will. We are dedicated and committed to keeping our allies safe, from the same skyward threats. So we extend the arm of protection, to those countries who support our efforts. Hostile nations are also building Atmospheric Shields, while in the same discourse. Trying to explore weaknesses in our ever developing, air and space-based technologies."


>We are kept in the dark, when it comes to getting honest answers about what we are really spraying. Should they discover that we, or our families, are actively inquiring about your so called "chemtrails" term. Then, automatic and swift disciplinary actions will be taken. HAARP and Radar, are two other non-allowed research subjects. Unless our children are learning about these in (base) schools. We cannot educate ourselves, or our children, through any public tutoring system.


>I would not intentionally spray my children or family with toxic aerosols. But, you must know. 80% or better, do not have any family, or children. Indigo pilots are chosen from the top ranks, within the Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard. Most of the pilots are "Hardened to Humanity", and could care less about killing off, unwanted or "Leaching" aspects of America, and the world. I swear to you. The majority of the pilots are like Machines. I call them (Tanker Terminators).


>I should not be telling you this. But nearly one-third of all flights, are being orchestrated from small un-named islands. Where newly constructed bases, are being built, at a rate of eight per year. On these extremely remote islands, there are HAARP arrays of every possible design. With many arrays surrounding these islands, within the depths of the ocean itself. The Navy has developed sophisticated underwater construction technology. That allows fully autonomous robot submersibles, to travel great distances, and even manufacture parts for these massive under water arrays, as they progress across the open sea floor. Every time that you see or hear about military excercises at sea. They are basically there to give support and resupply, their army of underwater robotic minions. There is possibly, one aquatic robot per plane, and will soon be double that.


>He believes that the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of California and Texas. In order to progress the drought, further into the heartland. Plus, he feels that a very new "extremely toxic" chemtrail mix, is going to be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails, completely invisible.



Any and all pro-Nazi posts are made from within Israel. There is not a single swastika-wearer in the Republican Party except Sheldon Adelson. It comes from the same spirit that publishes fake news all over the world about how the Jews are hated over here and the Jews are hated over there, the implication being that the Jews should leave where-ever they are and go to Israel to help start WW3.

Anonymous ID: ce9571 Dec. 31, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.4538155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8186


>What is the easiest way to punish these traitors


You have no choice but to kill them. They are satanists and more dangerous than any carnivorous animal you can dream up. They use the power of government to cause mass death under any and all pretexts. They are worshipful murderers. There is a reason society used to burn these people at the stake and may do so again.