Anonymous ID: efa36e Dec. 31, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.4537915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7929 >>7931

I'm extremely glad that some Anons have so much patience and can clearly see things I cannot. My patience has just about run out. Having a really hard time believing we'll see anything different in 2019 from what has been seen in 2018. No arrests as far as we know.


The other reality appears to be that while I do NOT believe Q is a LARP (there are just WAY too many attacks on him/them by everyone which tends to make things too obvious), I'm really wondering what he means when he says "we are in control" and 2018 will be glorious.


Frankly, I'm still trying to figure out what "11.11.18 America will no longer be divided" means since it does not seem to mean what I originally thought it meant.


I'm going to have to take a break from all of this. The confusion has resulted in a real sense of foreboding. While Q has stated there won't be a civil war, it appears that this is exactly what the Left wants and is working toward.


The level of lying and treason from the Left is off the charts. I truly wish I could "see" what some Anons are seeing but I'm truly sick and tired of all the constant crap from Leftists. I realize it may very well be their last gasp, but good God it makes me want to smack them HARD with long, wooden planks.


We are still waiting for the FISA declass, the IG report, Huber's report, the report of voter fraud.


We are hearing about how Dems/Left hacked elections in 2016 and 2018 to gain more seats and yet nothing happens. It's maddening.


If Q is a LARP, he's done more to galvanize the conservative base than anyone I know of including Reagan. He's not a LARP at all, but I do question this constant position by Trump et al that appears to have them in the losing position.


We have absolute TREASON happening in the US including some courts and yet NOTHING appears to be happening that deals with it.


If this continues much longer, the USA is absolutely lost, little more than a banana republic run by inmates who are simply free…


I'm NOT a shill. Just an American who is thoroughly FED up. If this was actual WAR, I'd know what was going on and how to deal with it but as it stands, we are fighting an IDEOLOGY crafted by professional liars who are doing all they can to remain in power.


Thanks for letting me rant!

Anonymous ID: efa36e Dec. 31, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.4537954   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh gosh golly, thanks for that. You couldn't ignore it? You had to insult? I don't DO Reddit. I do TWATTER and here, but you're easy enough to filter out…

Anonymous ID: efa36e Dec. 31, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.4538089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8103 >>8105 >>8148


Not to rain on anyone's parade, but Gorsuch and Kavanaugh? SCOTUS has declined to hear and/or overturn lower court's order that said Trump must bring illegal aliens into USA and hear all cases for asylum.


SCOTUS also refused to hear the case regarding defunding Planned Parenthood.


Seems that a majority "conservative-leaning" SCOTUS doesn't do much good.


Yes, HRC is not president, but neither has she been arrested two years after election. Will she be? Only God knows literally.


Q is REAL (not a LARP), but seems like he may not be in as control as he says…