Anonymous ID: 98f6bc Dec. 31, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.4538293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I honestly think we have reached the limit of red pilling.

None so blind as those who will not see.


Reading comments on KRJF Facebook about a disabled vet being dragged out of a wheelchair for not obeying orders.


KJRH Article


Youtube of incident


The following comment stood out as a good example of the diminishing rate of return of attempting to awaken the hard of thinking.


* ** "I have friends that work at Wal-Mart. He should have complied and showed some form of proof of ID or left when he was asked. I'm not arguing over this crap. He didn't want to comply with Wal-Mart staff or police. He got what he deserved. Don't do stupid crap and you won't get stupid prizes. His fault plain and simple. I don't feel bad for someone not wanting to following orders."