Don't you hate when you have to like keep your story together and ya know…stuff!! lol Sad!
link faggot! :)
It took 3 or 4 grown ass men to carry out a bag that a teenage boy brought inside alone? Okie dokie smokie
President Trump Hosts a Listening Session with High School Students and Teachers
Twatter getting sued…again!
Twitter Censorship Should TERRIFY Everyone
"Our lawsuit is not about whether Taylor is right or wrong. It’s about whether Twitter and other technology companies have the right to ban individuals from using their services based on their perceived viewpoints and affiliations. If Twitter wins this battle, there is nothing stopping tech behemoths from searching through users’ social media posts or emails, or investigating their off-platform speech, and banning people whose views it dislikes."
Question for the Liberals/Democrats: Why is violence against children in schools worse than the violence they have to live through day in and day out in their lives in shitty neighborhoods filled with illegals and MS13 gangbangers? Hypocrites! Illegals are killing Americans every freaking day in this country! What about Jamel Shaw, Jr.? His life mattered too! Angel families grieve just as much as these families are suffering but Liberals don't give a fuck!
Its a screen grab from a fucking video of the kid interviewing students while 'hiding in the closet', faggot! I watched the fucking video, if you don't believe David Hogg take it up with him for fucking lying, asshat!
President Trump Hosts a Listening Session with High School Students and Teachers
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdM1UD4mvAw
Sandy Hook mom doesn't want armed teachers, she wants prevention! Yeah, well no shit Lady! But if prevention doesn't flipping happen guess what? An armed teacher can! smdh
Looks like we need a ban on freaking Doctors!!!
An updated estimate says it could be at least 210,000 patients a year, more than twice the number in a frequently quoted Institute of Medicine report https:// www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-many-die-from-medical-mistakes-in-us-hospitals/
And you think that's a real Roth account? *eyeroll!