> > > Honest Question.
But does anyone know why this Fame Fag claim this recording @9:32 AM —- when the shooting doesn't start until end of day?
The interviewee Alex never corrects him on the audio…….
If there was a "Shooter's Drill" in the AM, where is the official statement bulletin or memo? Who made this official, &/or corroborated after event?? There was supposedly a Fire Drill.
Compare vids….. Is it possible both Hogg & interviewee Alex were wrong about the time?? — Alex sounds pretty convinced she's changing her gun views…. because of the shooting, not a drill. Something is off…… That's 5 hrs difference.
First vid, towards the middle, he states the time as he begins recording Alex.
https:// twitter.com/RealWednesdayy/status/966373501505449984
Nex vid, from the LA Times, but same middle section omits his line…….
http:// www.latimes.com/visuals/video/95939817-132.html