An anon writes of history, which we need to first disassemble examine for booby traps and put back together.
Photo: is that a dick?
“Syria is not just another part of the world of Islam. From an Islamic eschatological perspective, Syria is at the heart – the very heart – of the end of history. There are three main actors at the end of history in Islamic eschatology:
The most important of them all is the return of Jesus, the son of Mary, the true messiah.
And then there is another figure in the end of history who seeks to impersonate the true messiah, and he is the false messiah. The Christians call him the Antichrist, and …Muhammad… called him Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.
And the third important figure in Islamic eschatology at the end of history is the Imam, or the Prince – in Christian theology he’s known as the Prince, or Imam al-Mahdi.
And these three main actors of the end of history are all going to be simultaneously present in Damascus. Imam al-Mahdi will already be there. Dajjal will come to attack him. And at that time when Dajjal is ready for the confrontation with the Imam, the Son of Mary returns.”
Once I saw that Soleimani was in Damascus before the Dajjal character (Erdogan) entered Syria in August of 2016 (a month before the 2016 prophecy fulfillment show was scheduled to take place), I started looking even more deeply at him. And as I did so, I saw that the media had done an excellent job of setting him up to play the Mahdi role for the globalists.
This Reuters article is particularly important because it establishes that the Mahdi went to the “Son of Mary” (Putin) to seek help for saving Syria. The globalist prophecy fulfillment script calls for the Jewish/Christian Messiah, Putin, to work with the Mahdi in defeating the “Satanic forces of the West,” with Putin playing the senior role.
I don't know if I buy all his proposals but it does seem that many of the pieces are lining up. I'm especially intrigued by the
"redemption" of Putin. Seeing lots of positive press about him lately in contrast to the hugely negative pieces a year or so