better that 8 out of 10 posts in the last 7 threads were not related at all to Q research… oldfag here, been doing this since the 1960s. if you think you will restore the republic with circle jerk chat room echo chambers, let us know how that works out for you. And fuck you up front if you think this is concernfagging. I truly cannot give less of a fuck about your tired ass sniping. mostly shilldren in here. remember what Kruschev said, you are living within his prediction. clean your weapons soldiers, you will need them. MKULTRA sub-projects and derivations created most of what you think and feel, through icon worship and ad verecundiam programming What have the power elites spent their vast resources controlling? EVERY single input to humanity. THAT is how much they fear truthful information. THAT is how much they fear a populus that remembers who and what they really are.
As long as the Babylonian Woe (system of commerce) exists, it is best to 'be your own central bank', and resume your place as a co-creator of reality. If neither out those concepts make sense, you help to prove the point. You are the cavalry you await. The Q entity is trying to get you to create brain paths that might not have been developing [in you] due to the mind fuck. Some of you have brilliance that is apparent in your outputs and your innate abilities to connect dots that are obscured on purpose. The rest, well…farewell in hell. end of line