Anonymous ID: 7a118a Dec. 31, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.4539113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THIS → Classic [clown] programmed patsy - but attack Intercepted


Tony Albert Facts: Armed And Masked Man Arrested After Allegedly Heading To Fulfill ‘Prophecy’ At Texas Church.


This guy has (The Classic) background & bio to be a (patsy shooter) prepped to incriminate Trump supporters. Looks like (The Standard [clown] Package)


(according to linked articles)

A former Marine from Texas with a lengthy felony criminal record was armed with a gun, carrying extra ammunition and wearing tactical gear when he was arrested early Sunday morning while he was on his way to a church to “fulfill what he called a prophecy,” the Seguin Police Department said in a press release.

1: Albert Served in the Marine Corps From 2003 to 2008, Including as an Embassy Guard in Egypt, Iraq, Colombia & Ecuador. He said he had top secret security clearance in that role.

In 2010, a former U.S. State Department employee wrote a recommendation for Albert on Linkedin.

2: He Worked as a Security Officer in the Houston School District for 3 Years & Since Went Into the Business World, Starting a Company Whose Twitter Account He Used to Post Conspiracy Theories About Obama & Trump.

  • (Posted Conspiracy Theories About Obama & Trump) - How convenient.

  • His company (Angels -n- Demons Food Truck) twitter: @Angels_Demons14

  • In a pic on his home page he wrote about his strange prophetic calling → Related to Trump getting elected. And being harassed by the perpetual evil and hate in the American political machine.

→ Very Spoopy. Too Coincidental. Aligns as a 'Classic' [DS] Shooter Op.

  • It looks like another (Jason Bourne - MK'd) prepared shooter. Would've been a predictable time for them to activate another shooting - In the same basic vicinity of the Sutherland Springs, TX church shooting. Done by the (MK'd former USAF dude)