Q team was asked what would happen with Canada?
Q team replied with
The world will follow
Think Merkel 9
Ok, thought Merkel, she's not seeking re-election.
So why in the fuck is that faggot, country destroying, piece of shit Trudeau running around, brimming with arrogance that he is confident he'll win again in 2019?
This is not a game. Canada is totally lost if that prick gets another term. People are losing everything due to that asshole & liberal party incompetence. Would sure be nice to see something happen, many of us leaves are at our wits end with the globalist bullshit in our country. Don't know who to trust or who is comp'd. We are totally in the dark, feeling like sitting ducks. The official opposition seems to imitate Trudeau, bad gut feeling that they are a back-up plan. Will a light shine on Canada to wake the masses from their slumber or is that wishful thinking?