Anonymous ID: 588df8 Dec. 31, 2018, 6:28 p.m. No.4542959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Happy New Year Anons!


So proud of all of you! I've learned so much from you. Love you (no homo).


Here are a couple of links. Some are already familiar, I’m sure. I have naturally started looking for the 40k view, in my progress to Awakening. What I'm finding is that we have to count on our unity, to save us. We don't have to like each other, but it's critical, for our future, to unite. There is no one person out there who is going to save us. We are caught in a power struggle between controlling worldly factions. My gut and heart tell me this is real. One thing I noticed that we may be missing is: vision for a different way of life. It’s critical that we begin talking about long term societal goals and scientific means of getting there. Happy Reading Anons. WWG1WGA


High Level Insider:

I dropped this last night. An awesome Anon compiled this lengthy Q&A. I can't say enough about reading this. It was so worth the 3 week read.

The message I got from it: unity with our brothers and sisters. Defining Long term societal goals, and the means of getting there. Thinking outside the slave boundaries we’ve been taught.


Who “They” Are:

I just now grabbed this off of Voat. I’ve listened to the youtube video (summary). It gives a great rundown of who controls what, worldwide, and ties them together. So many Anons have talked about this information, from familys’coat of arms, to Hollywood. This is a fcking scary, but comprehensive summary. This one will take me a bit to absorb. I’ll paste the dead data dump link, but it’s gone already, like so many. - video - actual summary in video. Lots of info on this blog. - original dead data dump leak


I am a Rofschild, Axe me a question:

Not sure what to think of this one, he’s an asshole. That would be fitting, if he’s a Rothschild. Anon compiled Q&A. Lengthy, but a different, more hostile perspective, Over 1 year period.


George Soros Media connections:

Extensive list of what, and how, Georgia Soros is involved In media. Good for making connections. This website appears to be anti Soros. I like that.