Anonymous ID: ee6f02 Dec. 31, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.4543562   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>didjall see the Muzzy doc at Cleveland Clinic got fired…for tweeting that she loves giving Jews the wrong medicine?


Holohoax 101: Blah blah blah everyone hates Jews so Jews need to move to Israel.


>Never see a muzzy doctor…saw a muzzy dentist once. Will not be going my defense I didn't know from the name of the practice that he was a muz…


Be VERY CAREFUL of all muzzy doctors and dentists, especially the Pakistani ones who came here right around the Clinton-Bush transition. I would go so far as to blacklist them. George Webb explained for years that they are doing slow-kills against the U.S. population, misdiagnosing and causing fatal diseases on purpose. If they can make a mistake against your body for a chance at organ harvesting, they will do so.


If anyone has died too soon in your family or circle, start looking at all their doctors. I bet the muzzy is the one who botched the operation. Dentists are scary because it doesn't take much to kill the brain by infecting the mouth.