"Watch the water"
It just hit me like a brick, or maybe it was the bourbon tonight….
Lynn got pissed on fuckerbook/twitter (just before she deleted her account) and quipped she was going to enjoy watching our children die of thirst.
In CA, they built a massive underground duct system to divert millions/billions? of gallons of fresh water a day into the ocean when CA needs fresh water in a bad way. Never made any sense to me.
Then there was the Orroville Dam debacle that was almost disastrous and could have devastated the whole dam system in that area.
The Camp Fire blaze was close to the same area and might have been an attempted follow-on to further weaken the dam infrastructure.
Then there was that bit about the freaking Bush clan buying up the massive but critical aquifer in central Texas.
The Cabal is planning on cornering the water supply…. They could charge whatever the hell they want and pick the winners and losers.
And there it is. Poorly sauced, but rife for more digging…