Anonymous ID: 79b899 Jan. 1, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.4550582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0630


Politics as usual, you either or with the "official party line" or you are "deranged". meet the new boss…same as the old boss. Has he stopped the chemtrails? Stopped the chemicals in the public water supply? Stopped GMOs poisoning the food supply? Has he taken back the CIA controlled media? Has he stopped guarding the poppy plants in Afghanistan? Has he stopped giving money to Central America? Now that Obamacare has been ruled unconstitutional, does POTUS call for a return to capitalist healthcare or a new govt healthcare? Is POTUS deporting illegal immigrants in record numbers? Does POTUS have a timetable for when ALL illegals will be deported? Has he released Obummer real birth certificate? Released the truth about JFK? 911? Sandy Hook? Waco? Boston Marathon? Moon landings? Has POTUS exposed Israel as one our greatest enemies? Has POTUS withdrawn from the UN who push Agenda 21, climate change, forced migration, and depopulation? If POTUS is seizing assets from pedophiles and treasonous scumbags…why are they still walking around rich and happy while you are broke and wanting a change? The cabal just love to rub it in your face all the ways they are screwing you over because then when you do nothing it can be said you consented to it. Quit falling for a politicians lies and demand real action. Remenber, there is a reason the truth could not be told about McCain and that reason was he died of natural causes, he was not executed and POTUS can not say that he was…that my friends is the reason. You are still being lied to. The art of the deal…you are being sold down the river without a paddle, now go out there and demand the govt build you walls around your prison.

Anonymous ID: 79b899 Jan. 1, 2019, 7:13 a.m. No.4550720   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You cant even stop illegals entering your country and you are going to stop the deep state…the cabal….trillionaire global crime syndicates? I dont know what you were drinking on NYE but it sounds like it was Kool Aid.

Anonymous ID: 79b899 Jan. 1, 2019, 7:22 a.m. No.4550808   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The US has been in a economic slowdown since the 90s(remember when the US had the auto industry, steel industry, electronic industry, textiles) and has not recovered. The public does not fear a slowdown they fear a continued decline