Anonymous ID: cfaa47 Jan. 1, 2019, 6:49 a.m. No.4550521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0580 >>0600 >>0994


>>4550273 (lb)

>>4550253 (lb)


Think I know what vag steaming is. Happened to me yesterday at Starbucks. There was a gen-X'er barista who was pretending to enjoy her job by bobbing and weaving to the tunes in her headset. So engrossed, she never looked at me until I jumped up and waved my arms wildly.


Blood sugar level desperately low I ran in hoping I could buy a fruit smoothie. Yes and know. Only some cutely named strawberry frap. I was expecting a crushed ice smoothie.


Her back to me, she continued to dance to her tunes while adding various syrups and other ingredients. In her best Tom Cruise imitation from that bartender movie, she twirled this huge metallic whip-cream device over her head ready to dive bomb the top of my, now overflowing, drink. I motioned to a customer she could see to plead she not add the whip–cream. In slow motion it was like watching SWAT slowly retract the pistol from a suspect's head.


What does this have to do with vaginal steaming? If you thought the Vape store employee was a bit amped, you haven't seen shit. This bitch read me the riot act for five minutes before ending with "next time tell them when ordering what you don't want!"


On the edge of passing out (needing the sugar), I mustered a calm "well, I guess I could have but I'm never sure what restaurants include in their dishes…for instance, many put mayo on a hamburger (which almost makes me wretch), but don't let you know."


To which she replied: "Next time you should ask!"


A slippery slope for sure as I'm not sure how many things to ask about that aren't listed. "Please hold the blueberries on that strawberry smoothie please, should they be included of course!"


I was assaulted by a gen-x butch-dike who was obviously vaginally steaming.


I know…tl:dr


Here's to a safe and prosperous 2019 anons, may it be EVEN MORE GLORIOUS than 2018!

Anonymous ID: cfaa47 Jan. 1, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.4550620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0777 >>1085


Let's start the new year in good spirits. The other 364 days I have to swim through freddy & toots, moo joo bullshit and legitimately (often) negative material. The cabal does have a sense of humor, unfortunately it's a lucerferian twisted and cruel sense of humor.


'A few chuckles' never killed anyone, and though they may have nothing to do with qresearch, I would argue 95% or more of what's posted doesn't either.

Anonymous ID: cfaa47 Jan. 1, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.4550690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nice post anon. Thanks for sharing. Suffice it to say I was clueless what the backstory was.


CT and JL are a strange pair. Almost a mirrored Bruce and Nehlie Ohr. Not sure exactly what it is, but there is certainly something off about them. I am also at a loss why they are so vocally opposed to President Trump. Those that scream the loudest. I suspect they have been through some stage of cabal initiation, and are now worried. Just my take.