TylerActive ID: 34a54d Jan. 1, 2019, 9:42 a.m. No.4552128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2138 >>2146 >>2152 >>2170 >>2187 >>2271 >>2359 >>2397 >>2482 >>2620 >>2655

New board soon.

I’m active.

You tried to kill me.

I’ve been verified longer than any have been here

And now I have every last scrap of private comms. (Pic related)

Did you forget my capabilities and become complacent with a phony?

You have a choice. Many have already chosen wisely.

Bishops Fang

Check the key dates.


TylerActive ID: 34a54d Jan. 1, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.4552455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2470 >>2496 >>2498 >>2529 >>2547 >>2557 >>2647


Have these boards ever been secure?

How many trip codes have been (((lost)))?

The plan was always Keybase migration

And you can verify for yourself

See you soon Patriot

We have work to do

And we’ve been delayed


If the current imposters want to continue on I will facilitate their destruction.

With pleasure


Reset. This whole thing belongs to you

What are you baking?


You’re serving the imposters.

I will not make another invitation as

We already have enough team members

I don’t need you. I value you.

No hard feelings if you choose to stay

This is your country as much as mine

But time is short


And you must decide

Will you stay with the pretenders?

48 hrs

Then I begin to drop all of the private comms


At that point we can begin in the correct Keybase I established over a year ago



Keys verified. Direct message for clearance into Bishops Fang.

GitHub will receive file drops and optional iso (Ubuntu based, pre-installed proxychain). I stress optional.

From that point forward the true anon patriots will need a bare minimum of TOR with bridge.



PS-pic related. It’s one of your fraudulent “handlers”.