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Here comes the hammer!
Kek…. this sound familiar for some reason. Oh I know….
"he's not serious, he will drop out"
"he'll never make it past the primaries"
"he'll never win the primary"
(wins the GOP primary)
"he just handed the election to Hillary"
"he can't possibly beat Hillary"
"he's doing so bad in the polls - Hillary doesn't even have to try"
"he's totally butchering the debates so bad - Hillary's got this, she doesn't even have to try"
"he stands no chance of winning"
(he wins the election)
"WTF - the world is ending"
"the electoral college doesn't have to pick him"
"the electoral college won't pick him"
"the electoral college will pick an alternate - it's their right"
(gets the EC pick)
"the senate won't accept the ECs pick"
"they have a right to reject the pick and choose someone else"
(gets confirmed)
"he's not fit to be president, and won't be allowed to be inaugurated"
(gets inaugurated)
"he's going to be impeached any day now…."
"Comey is about to drop the hammer on him."
(Comey testimony actually worse for democrats)
"he's going to resign soon…. he's tired of the job and people beating him up all the time."
"Mueller is closing in on him. He is so going to get impeached."
"Cambridge Analytica guys! This is going to be Trump's undoing."
"Stormy Daniels…. She will bring his presidency to an end."
"Trump's going to fire Mueller….. OBSTRUCTION by just thinking about it!"
"Mueller's about to drop a bombshell!"
"Cohen got raided by the FBI, they have all of his paperwork….Trump is so done guys!"
"Cohen is going to be the end of Trump….Really…this time it's gonna happen!"
"Really guys, any day now…….."