Hacker group dumps 9GB of 911 related insurance files
We've linked below sixteen images from a very few of the documents from the legal firm Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin, who is now Husch Blackwell. More details and files are available on the KickAss dark web hacker forum.
If the images above are taken down, use the link below:
LINK: https://anonfiles.com/59G5hep8ba/images_zip
We're also releasing a small part of the larger archive of the 911 World Trade Center Litigation documents publicly. There's thousands of files included in the archive. Everyone can freely have a copy of the archive and we would encourage it. However, the archive is completely encrypted using a very strong AES encryption and very strong master keys that will prevent anyone from decrypting the veracrypt containers until we publicly release the keys for each layer. The archive is split between five layers. Layer 1 being the most modest, and Layer 5 containing the most heavy hitting and impactful documents, with Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 containing ever-increasingly scandalous materials. We encourage everyone to obtain a copy of all five archives. As time goes on, we may publicly release keys for each of these containers if our requests from the involved companies are not met. The link to download the 10 GB archive is below. Stay tuned for the possible release of decryption keys. We may release these keys on our new official Twitter page (@tdo_h4ck3rs) and/or on the dark web hacker forum 'KickAss'.
Below is the link to the torrent file to download the archive. The magnet URL follows the PGP at the end of this release.
LINK: https://anonfiles.com/6fx7q6pfb6/911_Archive.zip_torrent
SHA1 HASH: F4C18CF980648E9FBDAC55952F5F3485DBBA95F9
And finally, a message to the companies directly involved to include the airlines, government agencies, the dozens of solicitor firms, the insurers, and the many others, this is a message directly to you: pay the fuck up, or we're going to bury you with this. If you continue to fail us, we'll escalate these releases by releasing the keys, each time a Layer is opened, a new wave of liability will fall upon you. You know our contact details.
You're welcome, heathens and what's the final lesson? When you're a client of ours and you've accepted an agreement of ours: follow it to the letter. We're not motivated by any political thoughts. We're not hacktivists. We're motivated only by our pursuit of internet money (Bitcoin).
Stay tuned on PasteBin for future announcements related to this leak. We'll always sign all of our releases for verification of authenticity. Subsequent announcements may include this original announcement.
Your friends,
thedarkoverlord (@tdo_h4ck3rs)
Professional Adversarial Threat Group
TheDarkOverlord Solutions LLC, World Wide Web, LLC