Fake christians paying reverence to the devil for its cocaine and kidnapping
Cause fake Jews of gollywood control their cocaine
Fake christians paying reverence to the devil for its cocaine and kidnapping
Cause fake Jews of gollywood control their cocaine
Got five heirloom bush family murder weapon rounds left
Let's build a list of worth eat a bullet candidates
Elizabeth Warren
The FBI was founded on the slaughter of the Osage tribe
Synagogue of Satan worships the Star of David ever since the rothschilds raped Iraq
Tranny drama
Kill trump
Kill trump
Kill pelosi too
Kill Hillary
Neck yourself on the doorknob
You started it tranny
Kill trump, Hillary, pelosi, huber, Warren , daniel, dogg boy, hogg boy, shiff, pedosta,
Crappy trannys
Murderer preterm is disqualified from secret service protection btw
So your golem tax hole loophole sunk the thule boat
300k indictments built of trumps murderous cocaine benders
Take your ubiquity and neck yourself on the doorknob
Voat is a larp
Your homosexuality is being extorted by trannys
Your pron is tired and worn out like your face
Loser bot
Loser bot
Triple butthole loser bot meme
Hey multiple personality judas fehgels
May the secret service direct (you) to the necking doorknob