Could you fly out on 9/11? How will you leave when they close the border? Do yo have a passport yet, you cant even go to Canada or Mexico without one now…that means over 90% of Americans already can not leave the country legally.
one shot, one kill…go out like a hero
I get tired of all the BS…what "people" are they working for? their own families? the illegal aliens? their political party? the members of their secret society? I know for sure they never mean the "average America CITIZEN"
The Pope sit at the top of the pyramid and reports to the chair, the throne of satan.
the wall is not the fight, we either take back the country for the "citizens" or we dont. I dont care about no stinking wall. Guns, prison and deportation will stop them from coming. Eliminating welfare, housing, free education, and free healthcare will stop them from coming. A wall will only make them take a detour. This is not the end all fight POTUS seems to think it is. The wall is a nothing burger.