Link to original post in bread and ask baker or BO to help.
An interesting video during summer olympics showed some criminals in the slums who don't want to be involved in criminal lifestyle but have no jobs available to support their families. Ending corruption could help turn around such poor communities.
they are stealing POTUS campaign promises/talking points – "working #for the people"
the only people they work for is themselves
another ugly wannabe
If it wasn't for the Catholic Church you would be a pagan slave.
It was founded by Jesus himself.
Yes, the writings of Catholic theologians are the basis for the US Constitution. St. Thomas Aquinas and Robert Bellarmine. Jefferson used the writings of Bellarmine (who based his writings on Aquinas) to draft the Declaration of Independence.
not so, God has revealed Himself to us by becoming man
man without God is a beast lost in hedonism and death culture – post Christian Europe and soon to be post Christian USA is clear evidence
actually the image posted supports my assertion – hedonism
there is more than a single planting and harvest season in Israel
like attracts like
their faces look stressed
allah = lucifer – the most proud, the plotter, the capricious