You need to learn the meaning of the word "Ecclesia", anon.
While Jesus didn't use greek, the earliest surviving records do, and the word chosen was "ecclesia." Which has a meaning different from a state-like construct.
The Romans destroyed early Christianity. Among Jesus' followers, Paul was the one who took the teachings to the Gentiles - and was actually considered something of a loon by the others for doing so. Christians, as we know them, were more of Paul's creation and were something of a separatist cult.
Many communities and churches that developed from Paul's teachings were looted and destroyed by the Romans, when there was a curious and sudden change of heart.
The Romans declared Christianity the official religion, convened the Council of Nicaea to ordain a standard of book, and incorporated the state architecture of Rome into the Church for what would become Catholicism.
The Pope replaced the Emperor. The Pharisee and the Councils were replaced by Cardinals/Bishops.
The reason Revelations was written, and the reason it was structured as it was is due to many of those being used on the Council of Nicaea being scholars and wise to the antagonistic nature of empires.
I am simplifying the story and compressing the time scale, but much of what we know as Christianity was a product of the Romans subversion of Paul's attempts to spread the teachings of a Jewish reformer to non-Jewish communities. This is where the whole "Christ died for your sins" concept came from - many religions understand sacrifice - it was a common practice throughout many portions of the world and made the role of Jesus significant to those outside of Jewish society.