>>4553512 (PB)
Life begins at conception. Prevent conception and you've made your point. But once conception occurs, the life has crossed the line between "potential" and "actual". The essence of Satan is the selfish, the egotistical. You are of Satan. Know this: God wins.
>>4553518 (PB)
You mistake discipline for abuse. There is a difference. I raised two sons on a total of three swats, delivered to their fully clothed bottoms and followed by a compassionate explanation of how what they had done had hurt me (drilling a hole in the sidewall of my tire which kept me from getting a much-needed day of work) and them. I pointed out all the things I let them do and that anything that was forbidden was forbidden for a reason and, if they asked, I would explain the reason. But that whether something was forbidden or not was done for the love or our family and whether they agreed or not, it was not negotiable.
>>4552953 (PB)
You look at that picture and that's all you see? Geez … this is going to be a LOOONG war.
>>4552828 (PB)
He has been deeper in debt than you will ever be and is deeply hated by a never ending throng of loonies … many of whom sit in positions of prestige, power and money. NEVER count the money in another man's pocket. Count your own and deal with that reality as you see fit. Turn to those you love and build those relationships … what he has built he has built and they belong to him. If you have no family, make one.
>>4553372 (PB)
Is CNN outsourcing their writing to Pakistan?
>>4553341 (PB)
You missed the Chinese military coming into the west coast.
>>4553334 (PB)
NOT an AUTOMATIC pistol. SEMI-AUTOMATIC. That shit won't make the flowers grow, so don't spread it around, eh?