It's not anywhere close to being the new year anon, don't let the catholic pagan church and their centuries of indoctrination fool you. New Year's and Christmas are pagan holidays. I know the truth hurts, but we are still being programmed.
It's not anywhere close to being the new year anon, don't let the catholic pagan church and their centuries of indoctrination fool you. New Year's and Christmas are pagan holidays. I know the truth hurts, but we are still being programmed.
If it wasn't for the Catholic church, people would be closer to God, the Catholic Church was founded by pagans.
According to the biblical calender, the first month of the year starts when barley is light green in color and the first new moon is present. So New Years would be in spring.
The first day of any month is when the new moon shows its first crescent and then the sabbath falls on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of the month. And they can vary from being 29 to 30 days long.
So you're part of a movement that talks about getting rid of Satanic elites, who sacrifice children etc. And you think it's all made up nonsense? Jesus warned about this stuff and you still scoff at it?
Book of Enoch states when angels fell and before the times of Noah, they taught human women how to remove their children and abortion techniques.
Astrology, Astronomy, Metal Working, Makeup, and many other things were taught to us by fallen angels and those things were not meant for humans to learn. They corrupted us with knowledge, and corrupted our DNA by having sex with us and creating a race of giants.
These are where we get legends of Giants from all over the world, and you can see giant megalithic buildings and pyramids everywhere. They were wiped out in the flood but the DNA carried over with the wives of Noah's sons. There are thousands of newspaper clippings of people finding the remains and the SMITHSONIAN is mentioned in a majority of those articles, they took them and hid the evidence.
You want to know why GOD was pissed off, you want to know why the flood happened? Well there you go.
And think about this, these are what people considered "GODS" and these gods ate people and animals, before the flood we were commanded to only eat fruit. After the flood God permitted us to eat meat. WHY?
Why are these elites eating people, why do they worship these old gods, what are they keeping hidden underground?
If it weren't for this board I would've never found God.
In truth, we don't know what god looks like. However, I find the description of Cherubs to be really telling. Satan before his fall, was a cherub. They weren't cute little babies with wings.
Also, even in Greek Mythology the "Gods" had a hierarchy. Take that into account it is easy for me to believe there is one god that rules above the others, because he created them too. They were like unruly children who try to have authority over their parents and that is why they were put into eternal time out.
My naval is proof of god. However, Adam and Eve were the first and not born from fleshโฆwould they have had a naval?
Just a suggestion anon, read or listen to the book of adam and eve. It's not canon, but the gaps it fills are extraordinary.