PROOF: SHILLS Harassing Anons re: Zionist Crimes ARE JEWS IN TEL AVIV!
*A few days ago, I had written a post for the JQ Thread, about how the Zionist shills harassing anons re: the JQ were not American because of Incorrect Syntax belying a foreign speaker.(I've noticed other weird word usage from the Z shills)
I had two 8chan Tabs open and posted it on the Q research bread because I thought the other bread was closed. Forgot that it was JQ bread, which is open.
So then I re-posted it in the JQ bread.
*Within Minutes a Zionist shill attacked me, claiming that I'm a bot for the posts being on 2 Threads. Gloating that it "exposed a bot", acting as if posting on both the Qresearch and the JQ boards IS A CRIME. Feeling smugly hateful, the faggot venomously wrote:
"you shills are fucked"
*What? just because I accidentally posted on 2 Threads?
*Meanwhile, these JIDF/Unit 8200 Israeli Shills copypasta the Same whiny Bullshit over and over and over and over shitting up every Bread….. so I check the JQ thread last night, and the faggotshill had posted over and over, Counting & Listing The Number of DIFFERENT Posts that I had written on there (as if writing Different posts is also A CRIME). See the JIDF/MOS Shill Post here:
On Top is a side-by-side Screenshots - show:
(Thu) 03:07:55 and (Thu) 03:16:27 - a 9 minute delta.
Lower down, a Link shows my same post, the Jewfaggot wrote this:
"a bot was exposed here:
this post:
was generated here less then a minute after it was generated on qresearch.
it was generated on this bread in qresearch:
see attached screenshots and check the timestamps."
So I chekked the timestamps on the screenshots and the link image, and noticed that one showed a FOREIGN Time Zone.
(Wed) 20:16:27
7 HOUR TIME DIFFERENCE In The Screenshots and the Link Image
New York (me) To Tel Aviv Time Difference is Exactly 7 HOURS
These Israeli faggotshills shitting on Patriotanons ARE IN ISRAEL !!!
If you want to see the JIDF/MOSSAD shill Rage, head over to the JQ Thread.
p.s. Their hatred and vitriol has Inspired me to post everything I write on BOTH boards from now on.
Q had dropped awhile back that 5,000 new people join the Q Movement Each Day, so lots of new people find this board.
*Yesterday, since the Jewish Israeli shills are Counting that they've "seen it 3 times" as if it's A CRIME against the Jews to post any Truth about them, while they spam the same attack 6 million times here, I will post this again so that maybe new eyes will see it because not everyone reads every bread 24/7.
Also because it bothers them to be OUTED as Foreigners attacking Americans' Free Speech.
Isn't it Odd that these Israeli shills never kvetch about how many times the same bewbs and anal sex porn is posted here?
Time Zone Sauce: