They're in the business of feeding data to the Clowns, not the business of making money.
It's a SPYOP!
They're in the business of feeding data to the Clowns, not the business of making money.
It's a SPYOP!
I've always felt the Birth Control pill led to the complete disintegration of civilized society. This solidifies my belief.
My dream includes them walking into the room, POTUS hands out folders. Each looks inside to find all their crimes on a list, complete with photos.
POTUS would then say, "Happy Fucking New Year's bitches. It's Declas time."
One can dreamโฆ
Moar like "Muh Mossad".
There doesn't have to be martial law for military tribunals.
I'd like to know that as well.
Q said POTUS pretty much dismantled the C_A. So why is this FB shit still happening?
Kanye's back in the political saddle.
And of course, the first comment proves him 100% correct by calling him an Uncle Tom.
>that mexico will welcome them with open arms as opposed to say, shooting them down like yankee-dog gringos?
Whoever thinks a wall keeps Americans from fleeing also must be of the belief that you'd be welcome to skip across the border and make yourself at home in Mexico.
Hint: You're not.
Yep. Without POTUS fighting the NWO, vocalizing his beliefs to a global audience, I don't think the other countries would have realized they had another option.
It says Twitter Lite. Sauce or GTFO.
Caravan busted as org by Soros.
BWI again. Is this the favored airport of the cabal?