S instead we're Catholic debt and guilt slaves drowning in hypocrisy and debt.
Born Ready and Woke.
I'm pretty sure it was the election of @POTUS, fren. The cascading #YellowVest revolution is just the magic trick "glass of water" instantaneously turning yellow. This is no longer a cold to hot civil war in the U.S., it is a WW revolution which began with the election of @POTUS. This is truly like the ending of the movie "V for Vendetta" but on a global scale. Next comes the universal, collective consciousness where we ditch this set of "training wheels" called the Internet and communicate telepathically. In addition to all the other psi marvels which await. However, we will not succeed (as the multi-verse would not allow it unless we all move from lives "of self" to those "of service". IOWs, make it a daily mission to give and receive as much unconditional love as possible while ditching the nagging ego at every turn.