Ummmm… only kikes filter and tell others to filter shit.
Still over 3.00 in NY
Yes… Newfag.
No… You kikes never filter me. JIDF is paying you to shill against me. So, you can't filter me, can you, faggot?
Kek… This is worse than being a telemarketer for you.
How many times do you get called "kike" and/or "faggot" in one hour? See if your supervisor will keep track. For shits and giggles.
>Sorting individuals into groups is what assholes do. We know what you are.
An asshole??? Kek…
Awwww, you're so cute. All anti-meanie and stuff. Fucking adorable.
Wait… So… You have dreams about Ben Afflecks tattoos?
That's the gayest-shit I've ever heard, dawg.
Crucify yourself, you fucking kike.
EXCEPT FOR THE HOLOCAUST… DO NOT research that on your own. You need Jewish-assistance to… uhm… er… properly process the propagan…er, I mean… Nazis-bad, Jews-good, Donate-money.
BASED, non Jew-porn Baker-girl. Love it, anon.
"Disinformation is necessary" - Q
Hate? Hate's got nothing to do with it…
It's human-nature to evade or kill those who are trying to kill you. I never really liked running.
Shut up, you wanna-be, LARPing, newfag, faggot. You reek of normie.
Fucking disgusting… You probably fucked up that poor woman's genetic-linage horribly beyond recognition, with that genetic dumpster-fire DNA you have. Sad…
Is she Black, White, Asian, what?
Roger that, Neo-Nazi, Stormtrooping, Panzer-Riding, Blitzkreigers with shaved-heads and all that, who look exactly like Hollywood Nazi-characterizations, read you loud and clear.
We are totally not average everyday Americans, who you would never suspect.
Before DINK'S "Green Mind", there was… "KEK COMMANDO"!!! Enjoy.