Right around $2.00 in Michigan,
Oh I know they slam DW all the time, I know better though. The hgarder they slam something the more I know the target is being honest.
That is probably it. See who shows up especially on the Senate side, if they arrest 12 bad actors, then they can "Push" the funding through with 53 votes.
That is so true, the harder they attack the harder I laugh, cause I know what they are doing,. fighting a losing battle
We have no need to go out and shed blood, we are not the ones violating all that is right and just, only the evil want to shed blood to sooth their keepers.
It be happening, slowly steadily, we are winning, You can add all the lawsuits to protect our water, MI, NY and many other states against 3m and other companies.
I bet you would "care" about the wall if you lived near the border and had illegals trespassing on your property. It is part of our sovereignty as a nation. to protect the border.
desperation breeds stupidity, the more they show it the faster they will go down for their crimes.