David Wilcock Predicts 2019 The Year Of Military Tribunals Coming Up in 2019
If we all push, 2019 will see final victory against the Khazarian mafia
Many signs indicate that 2019 will be a breakthrough year in the battle against the satan-worshiping Khazarian mafia. Not only have mass arrests begun, but the mass-murdering part of the pharmacidical/medical establishment is finally being taken out as well. Another obvious sign it is no longer business as usual comes from the fact that the U.S. military is being withdrawn from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. And this time the U.S. government shutdown may actually result in formal bankruptcy procedures against the illegal corporate government that has occupied Washington, D.C. since 1871.
Let’s start with the U.S. military withdrawals, since they mark one of the biggest changes seen since the end of World War II when the perpetual war economy of the U.S. military-industrial complex began. Pentagon sources say U.S. President Donald Trump’s Christmas Day visit to Iraq portends a pull-out from that country. This follows withdrawal announcements from Afghanistan and Syria, as well as a ceasefire in Yemen. We also note that almost all of the U.S. carrier groups are now at rest in their home ports.
Even more dramatically, the sources say, “Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan’s mission will be [to bring out in public view the] space force, bring troops home, release extraterrestrial and suppressed technology, close overseas bases, beat swords into plowshares and cut waste, while building a more lethal military.” This means peace on earth and goodwill to all in a very real sense this holiday season.
The Pentagon sources also say the long U.S. government shutdown “makes it easy to arrest Deep-Staters embedded in the government.” Furthermore, the first senior official to be publicly tried in “Nuremburg 2.0 will be ….