Anonymous ID: 3c472a Jan. 1, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.4555474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5491

>>4554891 lb

This judgment of evil relies on several beliefs.

First, it relies on the legend of Adam and Eve. First - we assume we are Adam and Eve's children. Second - we assume the being that created Adam and Eve was "the almighty God."

Jesus said not even the Angels have seen the face of God - yet Adam and Eve were chatting with... What in Eden?

Third - we assume that the Serpent is "The Devil." And Fourth - that "The Devil" is a sort of antithesis of God - a being that represents the opposite of God.


The name "Lucifer" means "light bearer" and was the name given to the morning star - which is now understood to be the Planet named Venus. This is the origin of the Pentagram, as a symbol of those who observe and study the stars - the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.


The term "Lucifer" was used to refer to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in a few books. The Jews didn't like him very much (probably had something to do with fulfilling Isaiah and Ezekiel's prophecies of destroying their kingdom) - and referred to him as being a "fallen star" and "one who was once great." This symbolism echoes the story of fallen angels and the one "whose tail swept a third of the stars from the sky." Stars being symbols of angelic/heavenly beings.


When Masons learn that the order follows Lucifer - they aren't entirely referencing the Lucifer that Christians think of. Prometheus was a Titan who loved to fuck with Zeus - notably, it was Prometheus who tricked Zeus by filling a sacrifice with fat and 'junk meat' and allowing Zeus to pick which sacrifice he preferred. Zeus picked the large sacrifice filled with fat while the smaller sacrifice held the nutritious portions to be left for humans.

Those who followed Prometheus in Greek society were often the torch-bearers of the Olympic games. Those who carried the fire - the light.

In that context - Prometheus isn't comparable to the form of evil that is associated with the devil. Depending on how you read the old legend of Adam and Eve - it's not hard to see how the serpent can be seen as playing a trick on both God and Humans to 'make things interesting.' - an act that carried with it consequences hidden from us - but that are permanent.


That isn't to say that masons are "good" or "bad" - they are their own group with their own interests and subdivisions. Many have been subverted by the distortions of modern society, and many are likely more concerned with "protecting a torch in the rain" than lighting the fire at the end of the marathon.

Within this understanding - we are in the days under the rule of the antichrist of Christian prophecy. That is to say - the Roman Empire and the Cult of Jupiter/Zeus/[insert babylonian equivalent] - which were the Pharisee in Jerusalem and the state scribes in many regions.


Everyone opposed to this and holding substantial power to do anything about it has formed various private orders to pass on knowledge and the mission against this beast. Problem is that it has been a fragmented mess with people dodging prior generations of Hillary Clintons. Just look at the outright genocide of royal lines at the hands of the British in order to form the Committee of 300.