Anonymous ID: 56e70b Jan. 1, 2019, 3:04 p.m. No.4556203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I need not read nor look outward for what is residing inside. My distinguished character has nothing to do with me. There is no me. I hail from the original cause. I AM ITS Effect. You will find that the same applies to you. Because there is no you either. There is and always has been and always will be IT. The betterment of the personage of light and life in the Universes of the children of space and time persists in innumerable waves, which pulsate rippling throughout THE MIND.


Darkness is a manipulation of Light. There are those whose aspirations and ambitions are motivated by Evil. They have chosen through free will to fight 'GOD'. 'GOD' fights not men.


Creation is Love and Love is Creation. Destruction comes by way of re-gifting through attrition the energetic adherence to the ego driven finite thoughts of man kind. These erroneous concepts of self worth are inherent in an effort to appease the flesh. For our battle is one of the flesh. In an effort to compare and contrast the misgivings of any race, color or creed we need to first test the waters of retribution. Every one must face the Lion in the den. And pray that the Elephant in the next room doesn't feel moved by a brief interlude.


When confronted with a choice we should be tasked with the charge of the herd. Should we proceed Due North? Should we turn our backs on our so called friends? Do we stand alone in the middle of a raging river expecting nothing?


When others seek to enslave and rule over others then all manner of discord, chaos, and confusion reign supreme. And in the Minotaur's Labyrinth we are doomed for an eternity. Only until a Light is shone into the deep density of darkness where we cower naked and afraid. It is in this state that we find a fire that ignites from the spark of life inside. The same spark that created ITS far-flung Creation.


And suddenly what once was a broken record, which continuously skipped is sealed and the song now can play in its original format, which is you.


We go from blindness to sight; from darkness to Light; from groveling to flight. Our germination has produced ripe fruit from the Tree of Life and now we are free to propagate our lust for life.


Ineptitude no longer serves us so we discard it in favor of the four virtues, which are: Fortitude, Bravery, Generosity, and Wisdom. To this end we now climb the stairway to the Stars.


Each of us are incomplete without our counterpart; our Star Self.


What once was a tiny sparrow has turned into an Eagle of The Sun.


What was once a slug has now become a honeycomb for an entire hive.


What once was dung has given birth to a field of radiant flowers that alight; a twinkle in ITS Eye.


The ingenuity of the Master has seen fit to disperse self fulfilled dividends without taxes. No more unscrupulous interest. No more divergent streams. No more cheap threads coming apart at the seams.


The tapestry has been woven and each is provided with a place in which to display its unique pattern.


Across the great divide there exists many prides as one cohesive unit. Give thanks and be grateful that the paint is still fresh.