Anonymous ID: cd95b9 Jan. 1, 2019, 3:10 p.m. No.4556269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6647

Since Elizabeth Warren is back in the news.I'm assuming everyone dug into her work as head of the Consumer Protection Agency. Might be time to re glance at some of her transactions in that position. And TARP money allocations

Fun trivia real quick-Her currant husband Bruce Mann also claimed to be Cherokee!

Her first husband. "Jim Warren (died 2006,don't know how) co-founded FamilyTreeDNA in 2000. Today, it is one of the major vendors of genetic testing kits, along with 23andMe, the Genographic Project, and Ancestry."

***Her daughter. "Amelia Warren Tyagi, chairs the George Soros-funded progressive think tank Demos as well as the board of directors of the liberal magazine the American Prospect, which is a "partner publication" to Demos. Both organizations have been extremely supportive of Warren’s political rise and have helped cultivate her image as a champion of the left." Daughter married to "Sushil Tyagi, a movie producer with ties to a controversial Iranian filmmaker.During his tenure as president of Algorithmic Productions, Tyagi produced a 2008 film by Iranian director Majid Majidi".

On Demos-"In essence, “Demos,” as with most beneficiaries of Soros’ largesses, operates underSaul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” except in a more stealthy & politically correct mode.

At a minimum, Demos, at the direction of Soros, appears to be utilizing Alinksy’s*RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive” which points to Demos’ efforts at trying to camouflage the brutality of most Islamic-oriented cultures, by characterizing Muslims as cultural victims rather than cultural invaders seeking conquest & territory.

However, with the emergence of the Soros leaked emails & his funding intended to bankroll software designed to target both free speech, and those with opposing viewpoints, we can now observe that Demos, at the behest of Soros and his Open Society Foundation, is growing decidedly more aggressive by the day.

In fact, it appears that Demos has gone straight to rule 12, of the Alinsky playbook,in defense of Islam, which states the following;

RULE 12: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions."

Lots of TARP money distributed to Soros then to Devos. Thanks Elizabeth.