shitty fish indeed
maybe if you named your roadkill and smear the feces on yourself while we watched
daniel is a depraved pedo looking at many sentences for it;s volition in crimes huh
daniel graves is a unproseuted pedo with a capital allegations btw
so much cocaine huh
it has not even begun yet
save the day
eat a bullet party is soon
let;s delegate our bullet tasters early
they will be tasteing vintage bush family murder weapon bullets
daniel and walrus josh
warren willcock chimera
you have been rigged since the early nineties with ratzinger
a gay fish of baal indeed
kim jung already knows how to pull fatty trumps out of the matrix for cheeseburger meat btw
maybe it is the shitty feminism plot of warrens that's really gross after cocaine psa and pedostas pedocucking
then leave
(you) should come visit and get scalped for your sedition too