If so…. how did they get POTUS onboard AF1 (from SF1) so he could debarq at all those rallies?
Furthermoar, why would anyone have been firing missiles at AF1, if SF1 was flying POTUS? Did they not know about SF1?
Or were the missiles a set up?
If so…. how did they get POTUS onboard AF1 (from SF1) so he could debarq at all those rallies?
Furthermoar, why would anyone have been firing missiles at AF1, if SF1 was flying POTUS? Did they not know about SF1?
Or were the missiles a set up?
Does anyone know WHY Presidential Proclamations end with,
"…and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third."?
Makes me think that when congress reopens, there may be a few people missing… Is that when the first alarm rings(Qdrop)? At the opening?
Same post as last night?