fucking kikes trying to get their hand on mormon children openly.
Meanwhile, Q nor POTUS is doing anything about muslim population in the west roaming free and free to disrespect and dare to fucking exist on this earth after what they had done.
Lack of action is emboldening them to take more and more.
This is beyond disgusting.
Autists/Patriots are not interested in fucking 'melting pot', unless Q and POTUS goal is to introduce globalism lite by (((their))) suggestions.
kikes, who call themselves 'friends' of POTUS and Patriots, need to be killed first to ensure that they do not use this to destroy Patriots.
Meanwhile, law enforcement and military are doing fuck all nothing about spics and niggers and muzzies running rampant in our lands. But they sure are righteous in trying to kill Patriots and white people who dare to kill or say fuck off and assert themselves as masters of their own nations.
multikult has no fucking place in what we are doing.
We are NOT interested in fucking 'melting pot'.
Autist level began to drop off precipitously after april or so not because of fucking 'missile strikes'. Because many slowly began to realize that what Q team and POTUS seem to be doing (regardless of their intent) seems to be absent any kind of solution to the immediate threats to their dignity and existence as people.
All the suicides, all the despair, it's all just numbers and statistics to the 'guardians of intelligence' - regardless if this is intentional or not. Our girls and women getting subverted, raped, taken advantage of by shitskin muzzies and subhumans is just fucking 'racist' and should be buried for the 'hopeful future'.
The fuck is this, communist indoctrination scheme?
Results are all that matters, and whatever 'vision' the top level has apparently has the effect of driving the people straight into the globalist end game no matter the intent.
I really do think Q team severely underestimated what kind of situation the people face imminently on a personal level. They seem to have severely misjudged the kind of hole most are in, on all fronts.
If the reading is correct, doing things 'by the book' and 'by the original plan' is basically going to get us all raped, killed, and rendered into second class citizens with no power, no respect, and no dignity in a fucking jewish wet dream melting pot by the time this is all done.
Are we going to be America, and will the west and white people survive as strong masters and owners of our own fucking nations, or is this some hair brained scheme of bullshit do-goodery that the 'plebs' and 'deplorables' are too fucking 'bigoted', 'ignorant', 'racist', and 'psyop'd' to understand?
Maybe nothing else matters what we have a whole 3rd world full of anti-white, rapist scum trying to get their subhuman hands on our people.
Maybe people have the RIGHT to be FUCKING RACIST AND HATEFUL of our enemies and cowards who make excuses for them.
Maybe we don't want to wind up like white russian emigres.
Maybe people are done playing the delusional game of good will.
Do we live, or no? That's the only question.