>>4555825 (PB)
Dude. It's igneous rock. The core of a long-gone volcano. You've been had by yet another charlatan.
>>4555739 (PB)
Go give Monsanto another blow job. GMO crops do NOT increase yield and, after just a couple years they greatly jack up the costs of production. ROUNDUP is the means to control seed production and thus all planting world-wide. GFY
The trend toward large scale monoculture is the most severe threat to human survival imaginable. We are down to single digit varieties of wheat and corn … which makes us vulnerable to a single resistant bug or microbe on a scale that boggles the mind. In the grand scale of things humans eat very little wheat / corn or other cereals … but we eat the livestock that is fed with them. A loss of just one or two varieties of corn could cost us virtually ALL of our beef, pork and poultry. We are SOOOOO dependent on VERY few varieties of grain that the loss of just 3-4 of them would be enough to trigger something very close to the extinction envisioned by the Georgia Guidestones. Nothing else would have to happen … the loss of those grains would be enough.
Saw one several years ago when it flew to an air show in Michigan. Magnificent. So slow and low I didn't understand how it managed to stay in the air. I could feel it when the shadow passed over. They are BIG.
>>4555254 (PB)
Um … she's how old now and this is at least her second rodeo? It's getting difficult to see her as an innocent victim.
>>4555280 (PB)
#10 A. Apathy, disinformation and disunity.
>>4555289 (PB)
That's because hanging is quick and relatively humane. Not at all what we have in mind.
>>4555392 (PB)
When I was a kid, there was no pre-school. You stayed home with Mom and learned to read and write a little. Whatever Dad made fed, clothed and sheltered the family.
>>4555402 (PB)
Pence better be clean AF or he'll be the first to dangle.