>>4558444 (pb)
>Right now the plan is to start buying AR-15s and communication equipment for my friends who still dont have them.
THAT is a very good plan. Doing what needs to be done to take CARE of yourself…and others…rather than wait for some mystical invisible person to do it for you (wait…that sounded religious…kek)…I don't even understand how people can sit here…sit back and passively think…yep it's good…when THEY CAN SEE it's NOT GOOD.
Grid is safe, you're safe…despite what clearly happened TWICE now in Cuckafornia (re-creepy fires)…right under the government's nose…or..perhaps on their behalf? Who KNOWS.
You're safe
POWER outages…right under the government's nose…or on their behalf?
WHO KNOWS…all I know is that I have read, actually READ….ONE SECOND AFTER ( find the PDF online free for your own self)….and I KNOW that Q's statement "the grid is safe" is not only an outright lie, it's a damn dangerous lie. Grid is NOT safe…and to understand this, read up on the author of that book..the scientist who has been begging the US GOV to harden our grid, testified numerous times..begging, only to be told…NOPE too expensive….it also cannot protect against solar flares…computer viruses…eh ok…but not…nature. So it is irresponsible to tell people…nope..no worries don't follow the US gov's recommendations to be prepared…
I don't even…except of course if that's the plan. According to the book about 80% of the US population will die in the first two weeks of a complete and total power outage. if you don't believe me, read his book.
I don't understand the people here…if Q told you to jump off a bridge…(wait don't answer)…if anything has caused me to doubt Q…it's that. I cannot believe Q told people…nah, brah, it's ok..no worries we got it…
RIGHT…tell the people in Paradise…
NO worries, midterms..WE GOT IT…
no worries 2020 is safe…
NO reality is we have another 2 years of ENDLESS and I do mean endless combat in the media, (everywhere actually)….and we already have combat fatigue…2 more years of this shit and I'll be begging Hillary to be president just so they will STFU…and there is very little anyone can do about it….
This shit is spoopy as fuck and if anyone with a brain is left on here….think…something is fucking wrong.