Anonymous ID: e747a9 Jan. 1, 2019, 8:18 p.m. No.4559894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9990 >>0091

>>4559738 (PB)

>No Such Agency

Really…well that's illegal then. As this board is PARTISAN and it is against the law to use government funds for partisan purposes. There is NO way to twist this into something you want it to be….it is illegal.


(((THEY))) did not kill /pol/ off…it is contained and censored now…but it is useful in keeping all the autists together…and one wonders how dead on wikileaks was…oh wait CIA attacking NSA (this board)….by calling it a Trump Base pacification place…because it is… is and there is NO WAY around that truth.


Also NSA/CIA both were refered to as evil entities by Q…and suddenly a year or so into this a different Q pops on..and Snowden is a crook and NSA is good?


IN what fucking possible world is an agency that spies on us…ENDLESSLY in every corner of our lives…a good thing for us?


T_D…is now kike modded and under COMPLETE control..another quarantine site…go post anything about Israel on there…POOF…


Any answer other than IT IS NOT GOOD…proves…pic related.


Failing to own this shit…and see it for what it is….is a direct failure of cranial computing skills.


I'm actually starting to get concerned that this is a wheat from the chaff operation…and other REAL anons gonna know exactly what I mean by that. NPC pic related



>Ever notice the ads, dumbass?


^^^^ sees ads, calls ME the dumbass.


>>4559696 (PB BO)

>My guess is as good as your as to who is paying for it. It's outta my control though, so I can't let it weigh on me.


Not for a minute would i expect you to pay, but someone is…and i guess what I'm asking…is why haven't you asked…who is paying? Don't you want to know? You put a lot of energy and love into this board, not to mention a lot of time…I would want to know…who is paying for it…but that's just my personal…I mean if you're happy doing all of this…without knowing exactly WHO is benefiting from it…maybe asking CM who is paying..can't hurt. I mean…you are running the largest operation on the Internet right now..and to be honest I think you're doing a good job…and the way you manage the asshattery / attacks…kudos…but isn't it at least SLIGHTLY necessary to figure out on whose behalf you are doing all this work?



>Then you were likely raised in a luciferian family that made you fear God.


Someone doesn't read their bible…because I surely did…and the ENTIRE bible is all about fearing god…holy fuck…how could you even say that shit…god is self described as ANGRY, WRATHFUL, VENGEFUL, JEALOUS….and don't pull that NT shit on me…after all god is the three in one, he is the same yesterday, today, forever…so..either Jesus is NOT the son of god or god changed his nature. SRSLY religious people…there's nothing in that echo chamber remotely resembling cognitive thinking…or critical thinking. Oh wait..he is merciful and quick to forgive …and…if you…oh wait…pink pic related


NOW either answer my pic related POINT by fucking point or STFU about your ridiculous religious asshattery.

Anonymous ID: e747a9 Jan. 1, 2019, 8:23 p.m. No.4559954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0447

>>4559048 (pb)


Faggot…encouraging censorship?, what about the transgender agenda is so attractive to you, and what about discussing it as it is….is so upsetting?


Thanks for the screencap…I didn't think to do it..I will repost it here so people who are confused about what you are trying to censor and people who maybe don't understand why this is an issue (medical experiments, but even more, what is causing it?)


SO thanks asshole.


PIC related

Anonymous ID: e747a9 Jan. 1, 2019, 8:40 p.m. No.4560152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0168 >>0181 >>0257 >>0487


>It's illegal if it is a larp.

It is a LARP…that you don't get that…well sorry can't help you.


IT IS ILLEGAL to use public funds for partisan purposes. PERIOD..this is a TRUMP supporting board.


SO, let's suppose Trump knows about it but can't say anything…let's pretend it was a fake LARP rather than a real LARP (there is a difference)…from the start and


I don't know why I'm bothering…if the NSA is running this, it's ILLEGAL. PERIOD.


CM is cooperating with someone, someone is paying.WHO the fuck is paying for this. That no one wants to KNOW who is using our crowd sourced intelligence…and for what…is beyond the pale. I know what I KNOW about this place and I've used it on at least three occasions to issue warnings that were heeded. FINE…someone listened…but my "meter" doesn't just work on THAT sort of thing it works on everything, and right now my "meter" is fucking asking…who is using us and to what ends.


TRUMP has no right to end anything working against him…SRSLY…if that were true I'm sure the Dems would have been ended two years ago….


IF MI is using this place, it's ILLEGAL…holy fuck…public funds for private purposes is illegal…and THIS is a wholly private purpose. WHOLLY…

Anonymous ID: e747a9 Jan. 1, 2019, 8:44 p.m. No.4560201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0217 >>0252 >>0344


>The_Don was comped I think (or went into another mode) when they got rid of Oh Snap!

It is KIKE modded…prove it to yourself go post ANYTHING remotely critical of Israel…they did this mass unbanning if you messaged the mods…I did it.. just to see what would happen.. I posted pic related…mod messaged me…NOPE..banned again.


SO…HATCH act…IF ANYONE in gov. is doing this…and PAYING FOR IT with gov. funds…IT IS ILLEGAL…period.


TD banned everyone over Q…


WHY am I the ONLY fucking person who wants to know…who is paying for this??

Anonymous ID: e747a9 Jan. 1, 2019, 8:46 p.m. No.4560249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0304 >>0325 >>0410 >>0462 >>0487


>Not private at all.


>This is public.


OH…dear sweet baby idiot


PUBLIC board…yes sir but it is SOLEY a TRUMP supporting board…want to test it? Post something anti Q or anti TRUMP…and if someone is PAYING for it…with GOV FUNDS then that is fucking ILLEGAL…I do not think this…I think a private person is paying…and I fucking want transparency as to WHO I am "working for" because lately (especially after the horrid Q post where you were assured the grid is safe when I PERSONALLY KNOW IT IS NOT)….I want to know who is running this show…by running it..I mean fucking paying for it because this shit isn't free.

Anonymous ID: e747a9 Jan. 1, 2019, 8:49 p.m. No.4560287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0299


>Cool story, bro

So…that was a BIG mistake..trying to shut me the fuck up asking a question everyone on here should be asking…so why do you want to shut me up from asking?


WHO is paying for this. It cannot be public funds…that is ILLEGAL..NSA paying would mean public funds…so who the flipping fuck is paying for this? Even Trump cannot pay for it without listing the expense as election expenses..neither could any of his family…someone is paying for this and we should probably not stop asking until we get the answer.

Anonymous ID: e747a9 Jan. 1, 2019, 8:54 p.m. No.4560365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0405 >>0407 >>0420 >>0450 >>0485 >>0487 >>0517


Again, you fail.


Rouge agents…well that would be fancy,


It is ILLEGAL to use public funds for a private purpose. PERIOD.


Why the fuck would trump call out Q when it is only helping his cause? HELLO…


Crying about public funds…are you kidding me….what I find most curious is that the DEMS are not screaming about this place….because technically…they should be…and I don't mean articles making fun of it…I mean…screaming for an investigation into who is paying for it….


WHY is no one asking that question? SRSLY I know dems are dumb fucks but this place hands them a MASSIVE scandal on a very HUGE public platter…why aren't they using it?


DO not tell me…that it's because they fear arrest. NOT one of them is afraid of anything. the psyop can be scary…at times…but I am starting to get a not so good feeling about why the DEMS are not screaming for an investigation…true they don't want more people coming here…and we have had a world-wide effect, but mostly for HOPE…and those hopes…


all I keep thinking about these last two days and ALL my visions are about what happened in the movie The Discovery…..and I keep hearing that phrase "containment"…so pardon my suspicion.

Anonymous ID: e747a9 Jan. 1, 2019, 8:59 p.m. No.4560423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0435 >>0487 >>0499


NO….sorry…this is a TRUMP board…and only a TRUMP board…it cannot be paid for by taxpayer money. What part of that don't you understand?


it doesn't matter what if any intel agency is contracting with 8 for services…this services is SOLELY being used for the BENEFIT of TRUMP…how much 2020 shit is on here alraedy…what about the mid terms…


TD WAS different…it was a public forum…that catered to ALL beliefs / mindsets and political parties…TD was quarantined….it is constantly under brigading (at least according to them) but the mod positions were taken over by KIKES…there is NOTHING wrong with TD…at is no different than the hillary board…


THIS place was built for and is solely dedicated to TRUMP it was not organic and it IS being paid for by someone.


TAXPAYERS include people who do NOT vote for Trump would not vote for Trump and will shit 20 million bricks for the wall if it is EVER discovered that ANY monies from taxpayers went to this board…it is PARTISAN…and…holy fuck you don't get it.


Something is wrong here.

Anonymous ID: e747a9 Jan. 1, 2019, 9:09 p.m. No.4560541   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>wouldn't it then prove the info is real?

The information WE dig up IS real…if they thought ALL of it was real why the fuck would they write ANY articles about it….we're in a closet here, why would they draw attention to it IF IT WERE FUCKING real?


NOT one ounce of anything we have DUG up…has been PRIVATE information, all of it has been readily available and I'd say 99% of it discussed to the ground on conspiracy boards for YEARS. Honestly I've seen very little new stuff here…only new things coming out like NXVIM but not much else. It's all old shit…we have connected dots…fine…


if this is proven real AND paid for by taxpayer funds…Trump is fucked six ways to Sunday.




You don't get this…for me TRUMP is our last chance…our last..RON PAUL…I thought..welp..we're screwed…then we had a timeline shift and Trump popped up out of no where..and I fucking don't want anything to fucking fuck it up and I'm getting hinky meters after that horrid Q post where he flat out lied about the grid being safe…it is a flat out lie…and that made me suspicious as to WHY you people were told that…Sorry..but i still have a lot of fucking brain cells and I probably should't be here..I have asked this last month to no answer…but the damn grid post…nope..I do have compassion for people whether or not they are intelligent and that post was WRONG…


Sorry I am now suspicious…my hope for my country…my hope for equal justice…is never going to go away…but I do not trust this…I saw that interview with the GITMO commander who thought it was amusing…that people thought GITMO was being prepped…look, at this point why would he lie? He flat out said it was falling down….why lie at this point?


EVERYTHING on here can be read by anyone…anywhere anytime…you think the left isn't sucking up every word? WHY haven't they responded in the least little way to any of it in a way a person fearing execution would?


I've seen stuff posted on here that is so stupid that I felt sorry…it felt like a set up to make Trump supporters look stupid…(IE..NoName was execute, Poppy was executed, the funeral notes….etc…insanity..unless one is willing to accept PENCE is evil..which will be a very hard turn for the xians…the WOMEN got the notes..)


Look…we deserve transparency we should KNOW who we are working for. I don't blame Trump for NOT calling it out…it's helping him…but something is wrong here….