I just want to say to the Rabbi Shills: Shalom.
I sincerely hope you find it.
As a father, I know what it is like to watch your child grow far from you, as they mature in to their Independence. Such is the case with you.
For all your effort, your pride blinds you from seeing the futility that you've been subjected to.
You can't see your item nose to spite your face.
Each time you act out the role you've decided to play in the epoch of the ages, you fail to see how you replay the same old script that comes back to bite you, to even spite you.
I sincerely pray for you. That YaHoVaH shows you Mercy, and that you catch a glimpse of His Grace so that you would see the truth about what we're all destined for together, as bothers and sisters, once we humble ourselves to do justice and love Mercy.
Mercy is all that can save you, once you fall upon the One Rock of Salvation, who was Slain from before the foundations of the Earth.