Anonymous ID: cd1719 Jan. 1, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.4561068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1110 >>1118 >>1261

>>4560499 (pb)

>I like you. You try. You kvetch well. Have a redhead. However, I did just describe how govt contracting works to a " T".

Yeah…someone like me would know exactly HOW gov. contracting works…and I also know it is illegal to use public funds for a PRIVATE purpose. This is, despite what you want to believe, a PRIVATE purpose…SRLSY there is no way to white wash this.



>If Trump does not control Q, then Q is rouge.


>Rouge is dangerous and risky. Not helpful. Your logic is all fucked up.


HOLY SHIT…all you all have done since this started is LINK it to TRUMP…every map. every meme…every everything….


And you just outed yourself calling me a shill..


now your explanation might work on someone who doesn't know better…




The only reason I can think of this not being shut down…is the one the CIA aka wikileaks gave…containment pacification center….if we had not had the slowdown and server overload I would not have even thought about it…but Q started posting…stress test…etc…clearly Q is involved in that…you all are spending so much time feeling special and "in on it" that you aren't using…well I'd say your brian you moran…but you've gone all rouge and it's hard to….


Again, it is ILLEGAL to use public funds for a private purpose..that this is a private purpose is irrefutable…but why would Trump take on the responsibility for shutting something down that is, at least on the surface of things, HELPING him? He has not once done anything concrete (using that word) that anyone could irrefutable point to and say…HA he's supporting this..nope he has not…


Calling me a shill doesn't change the question…why are you afraid to know the answer? It's like religion…if tomorrow there came someone to say..look I found PROOF Jesus did not DIE on the cross and that death is central to your entire belief set…you would hound them for execution, attack, call them shills…do whatever it took not to hear them…just like you're doing right now.


it's NOT working. Anyone with half a brain should want to know who is financing this…PERIOD…and I have a feeling some lads may already be looking into it.

Anonymous ID: cd1719 Jan. 1, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.4561074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1086 >>1169 >>1241

>>4560407 (pb)

>The government is allowed to use public funds for propaganda, or to run a sting, or just about anything they want during an investigation. Pull your head out of your ass you fucking retard.


But this is not propaganda is it? All the digs are public and or wikileaks…Q..well to be honest has talked a lot of hot air…this board is PRIMARILY a cheerleading meme board for 2020 election and it was used for that during the midterms…or…was it used to keep people feeling comfy that midterms were safe so people didn't get active….


to find out, let's look at the result of the election shall we?


AND what fucking investigation? WHAT investigation? Please point to me…ANY public proof that ANYTHING other than Trump is being investigated, please, point to me ANYONE other than poor Trump folk have gone to prison…I see bloviating on both sides, PAPAD…Brennen…everyone sounds equally comfy it's all about what you WANT or need to believe as far as who is or is not telling the truth….


please don't point to the sealed indictments…masturbation for the hopeful…I'll see when they're UNSEALED…


HAS trump gone after pedos? Since he took office many many have gone down…but a lot of those investigations were begun prior to his election…..

you'd be in prison….


I'll tell you this for free…something is wrong here.


I write something logical and the only responses are ROUGE and shill…are you kidding me?


You all claim to be xians, and ethical and righteous…well I suppose you're only as ethical and righteous as the next guy…no questions, no nothing…just carry on…


The Discovery…


so many of you are on your last legs of hope…sickness, financial debt, overwhelming anger at a system that is not working for you…injustice, inequality of justice, you're tired of it…


Rogue agents…KEK…really? You think Trump would tolerate rogue agents? Well…who knows…


Why is General Flynn whose dick you've all be sucking…so cozy with crooked McCrystal? COME ON FUCKING PEOPLE…someone here starts a cheer for Mattis…and I'm like…the dude…is a dick…cheer for Kelly..and I'm like…geesh back when I knew him..he was crooked…no matter who it is, if Q tells you to cheer for them you do and you end up looking stupid…and I can't help but wonder if that's not the entire point.


SOMEONE is paying for this…and I'd like transparency as to who. I don't give a fucking shit who Q is…because that personality has changed so much over the last two years it's not even funny…(reminder..words have energy, energy never disipates it merely changes form)…and nope..this op is NOT pam or the other paytriots…or hoptriots…or any of the other fake stories…


but I got some weird vibes off CM's twatter….(wheels)…and I have a feeling you folks better get ready for some disappointing news. I don't know who…don't care…but CM was "emitting" energy of regret…or sorry, or sadness..hard to put those things into words…as if he's sorry he did something…I know he's sick…this wasn't that…


SOMETHING isn't right.



Anonymous ID: cd1719 Jan. 1, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.4561121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1248


>What in the ever loving fuck is a fucking NOPE button, dope? FFS you got all the tools you need. You can filter an anon, and other things.

>Fortunately for us, bullshit and intelligence generally inversely proportional.


Bullshit…yes…intelligence.. not so much.


To put it simply…

OMG step away from the crack pipe…did you even see what you're responding to?


SOME asshole took my post and shopped a NOPE button onto it…reading comprehension 101 here buddy…FAIL. then reposted it telling people not to read my post…about the transgender agenda…I'll attach my post that the asshole shooped AGAIN and take it easy on the crow, I hear it tastes worse cold.


REPEAT..some asshat took my post attached HERE and shooped a NOPE button on it as you can see and then reposted it telling others NOT TO FUCKING READ my posts..


one wonders…as the bulk of my conversation today has been about WHO THE FLIPPING FUCK IS PAYING FOR THIS.

Anonymous ID: cd1719 Jan. 1, 2019, 10:12 p.m. No.4561224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1246 >>1250 >>1251 >>1325

>>4560304 (pb)

>Prove it is being funded.


Stress test, servers failed…board went down we got an upgrade (twice that I remember…circumstantial but…

>Prove government money is being used.


which is why I'm asking…if it is private money who the fuck is paying…if it is TRUMP he's up shit creek..meaning it will show on campaign finance documents and once that happens…holy shit storm of ….imagine that hitting the news…TRUMP PAID FOR FAKE NEWS…


if it is public money (and I'm not assuming public money means OUR side…there is plenty of black budget shit….)


WHO set off the California wildfires?


WHY did Q lie and tell you people NOT to prep…that the grid was safe….


cause brah, that was a lie…


so two things made me start thinking…that lie…about the grid…and CM's "energy" feels guilty….sad…I dunno…and the last time I asked this a month ago I got basically the same response, only one person bravely said "that's a good question, we should know"…and then again I ask today, BO sorta says, ask CM…then I say. you know…this is your board, maybe you should ask…you know..for clarity sake…BO actually HAD a public conversation with me about this…and honestly.


WHO doesn't ask who they are working for 24/7? WHO doesn't care? BO works hard for this board…but doesn't KNOW who is paying for it?


MANY of you work hard for this board…for nothing…JUSTICE is your great reward….


who is paying for all this.

Anonymous ID: cd1719 Jan. 1, 2019, 10:14 p.m. No.4561248   🗄️.is 🔗kun



fucking a I mixed up responses…response to


>What in the ever loving fuck is a fucking NOPE button, dope? FFS you got all the tools you need. You can filter an anon, and other things.


>And if you're energized enough by the idiocy some small bus frequent rider, put some effort into it nob licker.


>Christ all fucking mighty! Your so goddamned lazy, you're not even offering to write some alpha code to do it, you want somebody else to. It's difficult to condemn this horse shit of yours as pure stupidity. It takes a high degree of mendacity. Fortunately for us, bullshit and intelligence generally inversely proportional.


>To put it simply…




begins at TO PUT IT SIMPLY…