Q is cleaning house and firing back at the attackers.
SEC_TEST always fixes it up.
His team is pretty a competent bunch to be subtle.
Probably from or for a necklace.
(with hold in that location)
Perhaps it is typo, he is building a giant COCK?
I got no real clue about that bezos jackass. He is a clown, probably a coded message to cabal that the time is up, go underground…
(that sounds better than a big cock, but to Bezos who knows.)
Texas does not have what I would call "mountains"… There are hills here, but unless you are west by el-paso, its pretty flat.
This is a master troll at work.
WE don't know the full meaning of this yet.
The camera intentionally captured a full image of that notepad, and this only happened because Potus allowed it or wanted it.
These notes could have been TYPED. But they were hand written for a reason.
There is much more here than meets the eye.
5D chess play happening here.
some of that "sky tar" got on board!
Atlanta don't want it.
No really- CNN HQ in Atlanta…
What could this mean?!?!